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c++。 如何将元素添加到文件中的对向量中?

[英]c++. How to add elements to a vector of pairs from file?

I'm trying to read every odd line into pair.first and every even line to pair.second and put it into a vector of pairs.我正在尝试将每条奇数行读入 pair.first 并将每条偶数行读入 pair.second 并将其放入对的向量中。 I'd like to have a player and his overall in one pair in a vector.我想要一个球员和他的整体在一个向量中的一对。 Here's my code:这是我的代码:

while(getline(players, player) && players >> overall)
        pick_players.push_back(make_pair(player, overall));

Unfortunately it reads only the first two lines and the rest of vector output are just zeros.不幸的是,它只读取前两行,向量 output 的 rest 只是零。 player is a string and overall is a integer, players is my fstream file name. player是一个字符串, overall是 integer, players是我的 fstream 文件名。

It's not a good idea to interleave std::getline and operator>> for reading an input stream.交错std::getlineoperator>>以读取输入 stream 不是一个好主意。 Instead, you'd better stick to using std::getline twice here.相反,您最好在这里坚持使用std::getline两次。

Something like this would do:这样的事情会做:

  • Loop the input stream until you can't read two lines (use std::getline for this).循环输入 stream 直到您无法读取两行(为此使用std::getline )。
  • Push back each reading into a std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> .将每个读数推回std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>>
  • If there's a parsing error on the overall line, just continue looping.如果整行有解析错误,就继续循环。

[Demo] [演示]

#include <charconv>  // from_chars
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <fmt/ranges.h>
#include <sstream>   // istringstream
#include <system_error>  // errc
#include <utility>   // pair
#include <vector>

int main() {
    std::istringstream iss{
        "3   \n"
    std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> players{};
    for (std::string player{}, overall_str{};
         getline(iss, player) and getline(iss, overall_str);) {
        int overall{};
        auto [ptr, ec] = std::from_chars(
            overall_str.data(), overall_str.data() + overall_str.size(), overall);
        if (ec == std::errc{}) {
            players.push_back({player, overall});
        } else {
            fmt::print("Error parsing overall line: {}\n", overall_str);
    fmt::print("{}\n", players);

// Outputs:
//   [("player1", 1), ("player2", 2), ("player3", 3)]

You can strengthen the parsing of the overall line by:可以通过以下方式加强对整行的解析:

  • trimming the input string, and修剪输入字符串,和
  • checking std::from_chars used all of the input string to convert to a number.检查std::from_chars使用所有输入字符串转换为数字。

[Demo] [演示]

#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
        if (ec == std::errc{} and ptr == overall_str.data() + overall_str.size()) {

// Outputs:
//   Error parsing overall line: 2ddd
//   [("player1", 1), ("player3", 3)]

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