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在哪里查看 VESPA 提要错误详细日志?

[英]Where to see VESPA feed error detail log?

When I feed my file, sometimes "feeder.error.count" will not be zero, like below当我提供文件时,有时“feeder.error.count”不会为零,如下所示

{ "feeder.seconds": 140.016, "feeder.ok.count": 273229, "feeder.ok.rate": 1951.416, "feeder.error.count": 4, "feeder.inflight.count": 85, "http.request.count": 273364, "http.request.bytes": 580306750, "http.exception.count": 6, "http.response.count": 273273, "http.response.bytes": 24604630, "http.response.error.count": 44, "http.response.latency.millis.min": 2.000, "http.response.latency.millis.avg": 76.000, "http.response.latency.millis.max": 758.000, "http.response.code.counts": { "502": 44, "200": 273229 } }

Where can I see the detail information?我在哪里可以看到详细信息? to check which data cause the error count added检查哪些数据导致添加了错误计数

And if the feeding file is too small, there is no any log showed on screen, is there any log file can check feeding result?如果喂食文件太小,屏幕上没有任何日志显示,是否有任何日志文件可以检查喂食结果?

Use the --show-errors flag which the client supports https://docs.vespa.ai/en/vespa-feed-client.html使用客户端支持的--show-errors标志https://docs.vespa.ai/en/vespa-feed-client.html

 ./vespa-feed-client-cli/vespa-feed-client --help usage: vespa-feed-client <options> Vespa feed client --benchmark Print statistics to stdout when done --ca-certificates <arg> Path to file containing CA X.509 certificates encoded as PEM --certificate <arg> Path to PEM encoded X.509 certificate file --connections <arg> Number of concurrent HTTP/2 connections --disable-ssl-hostname-verification Disable SSL hostname verification --dryrun Enable dryrun mode where each operation succeeds after 1ms --endpoint <arg> URI to feed endpoint --file <arg> Path to feed file in JSON format --header <arg> HTTP header on the form 'Name: value' --help --max-failure-seconds <arg> Exit if specified number of seconds ever pass without any successful operations. Disabled by default --max-streams-per-connection <arg> Maximum number of concurrent streams per HTTP/2 connection --private-key <arg> Path to PEM/PKCS#8 encoded private key file --proxy <arg> URI to proxy endpoint --route <arg> Target Vespa route for feed operations --show-all Print the result of every feed operation --show-errors Print every feed operation failure --silent Disable periodic status printing to stderr --stdin Read JSON input from standard input --timeout <arg> Feed operation timeout (in seconds) --trace <arg> The trace level of network traffic. Disabled by default (=0) --verbose Print stack traces on errors --version

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