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在哪里查看 VESPA 提要错误详细日志?

[英]Where to see VESPA feed error detail log?


{ "feeder.seconds": 140.016, "feeder.ok.count": 273229, "feeder.ok.rate": 1951.416, "feeder.error.count": 4, "feeder.inflight.count": 85, "http.request.count": 273364, "http.request.bytes": 580306750, "http.exception.count": 6, "http.response.count": 273273, "http.response.bytes": 24604630, "http.response.error.count": 44, "http.response.latency.millis.min": 2.000, "http.response.latency.millis.avg": 76.000, "http.response.latency.millis.max": 758.000, "http.response.code.counts": { "502": 44, "200": 273229 } }

我在哪里可以看到详细信息? 检查哪些数据导致添加了错误计数



 ./vespa-feed-client-cli/vespa-feed-client --help usage: vespa-feed-client <options> Vespa feed client --benchmark Print statistics to stdout when done --ca-certificates <arg> Path to file containing CA X.509 certificates encoded as PEM --certificate <arg> Path to PEM encoded X.509 certificate file --connections <arg> Number of concurrent HTTP/2 connections --disable-ssl-hostname-verification Disable SSL hostname verification --dryrun Enable dryrun mode where each operation succeeds after 1ms --endpoint <arg> URI to feed endpoint --file <arg> Path to feed file in JSON format --header <arg> HTTP header on the form 'Name: value' --help --max-failure-seconds <arg> Exit if specified number of seconds ever pass without any successful operations. Disabled by default --max-streams-per-connection <arg> Maximum number of concurrent streams per HTTP/2 connection --private-key <arg> Path to PEM/PKCS#8 encoded private key file --proxy <arg> URI to proxy endpoint --route <arg> Target Vespa route for feed operations --show-all Print the result of every feed operation --show-errors Print every feed operation failure --silent Disable periodic status printing to stderr --stdin Read JSON input from standard input --timeout <arg> Feed operation timeout (in seconds) --trace <arg> The trace level of network traffic. Disabled by default (=0) --verbose Print stack traces on errors --version


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