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Tkinter - for 循环中的多线程或多处理

[英]Tkinter - multithreading or multiprocessing in for loop

I would like to optimize my program.我想优化我的程序。 In short, it is used to unzip huge tar.gz archive (5 gb+) or extract some file from it (approx. 20k) based on input.简而言之,它用于解压缩巨大的 tar.gz 存档(5 gb+)或根据输入从中提取一些文件(大约 20k)。

The main problem I am facing right now is that window is not responding, but I really need it to work properly.我现在面临的主要问题是窗口没有响应,但我真的需要它才能正常工作。 I have read about multiprocessing and multithreading, but not sure how to apply it on my code.我已阅读有关多处理和多线程的信息,但不确定如何将其应用于我的代码。

Could you, please, help me with it?请你帮我解决一下好吗?

Here are 2 my functions for unziping:这是我的两个解压缩函数:

def unzip_tar_gz(self, ARES_tar_gz):
        row             = 22 #used for GUI
        self.debug_output("Unzip", row, "Start: ")
        tarfile_ARES    = tarfile.open(ARES_tar_gz)
        #counters for progress bar
        self.counter    = 0
        self.maxcount   = 1200000
        for member in tarfile_ARES.getmembers():
            member.name = os.path.basename(member.name)
            result      = re.search("(.*).xml", member.name)
            res         = result.group(1)
            r           = res[:-1]
            num         = int(r)
            tarfile_ARES.extract(member, self.get_folder(num))
            if self.counter%100000 == 0:
                row += 1
                self.debug_output("extract 100k", row, "Success")

        #after extract, closing
        showinfo("Success", message="The execution was successfully completed.")


def unzip_changes(self, delta_file_arr, inputARES):
    row            = 22 #used for GUI

    self.debug_output("Unzip changes", row, "Start: ")

    tarfile_ARES = tarfile.open(inputARES)
    time_not_found = date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    file_not_found = open(self.logs_path + time_not_found + '.log', 'w')

    #counters for progress bar
    self.counter    = 0
    self.maxcount   = 22000

    for name in delta_file_arr:
        self.counter +=1
            member      = tarfile_ARES.getmember(name)
            member.name = os.path.basename(member.name)
            result      = re.search("(.*).xml", member.name)
            res         = result.group(1)
            r           = res[:-1]
            num         = int(r)
            tarfile_ARES.extract(member, self.get_folder(num))
            result         = re.search("./VYSTUP/DATA/(.*).xml", name)
            res            = result.group(1)
            file_not_found.write(res + "\n")
    #after extract, closing
    showinfo("Success", message="The execution was successfully completed.")

You should use a thread for each function you want run because if you don't, the tkinter window will freeze until the function finish for example.您应该为要运行的每个函数使用一个线程,因为如果不这样做,tkinter 窗口将冻结,直到函数完成。 So use:所以使用:

import threading

Here an example with a button:这是一个带有按钮的示例:

Button = tk.Button(text='Thread',command=lambda: threading.Thread(target=my_function).start())

if you use class:如果你使用类:

self.Button = tk.Button(self, text='Thread',command=lambda: threading.Thread(target=self.my_function).start())

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