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在键盘上键入任何键时如何防止 JAWS 读取密码?

[英]How to prevent JAWS from reading password when typing any key on keyboard?

Jaws is reading passwords. Jaws 正在读取密码。 How can I prevent it from reading the password while I am at the password field?当我在密码字段时,如何防止它读取密码? I started typing my password and it announces my password.我开始输入我的密码,它会宣布我的密码。 Also, how can I prevent it from reading it by using Angular?另外,我怎样才能防止它通过使用 Angular 来读取它? I am using Google Chrome.我正在使用谷歌浏览器。

Add role="textbox" to the password field if you are not creating dots with CSS and JAWS will instead read "bullet bullet bullet".如果您不使用 CSS 创建点,则将role="textbox"添加到密码字段,JAWS 将改为阅读“bullet bullet bullet”。 This is more workaround than solution but I found it works best across browsers and JAWS versions.这比解决方案更有效,但我发现它在浏览器和 JAWS 版本中效果最好。

If you don't target really old JAWS (<13);如果您不针对真正旧的 JAWS (<13); you can also use aria-label="text to read" and that should override JAWS reading actual password entered.您还可以使用aria-label="text to read"并且应该覆盖 JAWS 读取输入的实际密码。 I had mixed success with this approach on text-boxes/password-boxes depending on browser and JAWS version used.根据使用的浏览器和 JAWS 版本,我在文本框/密码框上使用这种方法取得了不同程度的成功。

<input type="password">

This will displays asterisks or bullet points (depending on the browser) in the password field as you type and will prevent the screen reader from announcing the letter you're typing.这将在您键入时在密码字段中显示星号或项目符号(取决于浏览器),并防止屏幕阅读器读出您正在键入的字母。 But it also means the user must be a touch-typist because they won't hear what they're typing.但这也意味着用户必须是触摸打字员,因为他们不会听到他们正在输入的内容。 The screen reader will just say "star star star" as you type.屏幕阅读器只会在您键入时说出“star star”。

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