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How to prevent JAWS from reading password when typing any key on keyboard?

Jaws is reading passwords. How can I prevent it from reading the password while I am at the password field? I started typing my password and it announces my password. Also, how can I prevent it from reading it by using Angular? I am using Google Chrome.

Add role="textbox" to the password field if you are not creating dots with CSS and JAWS will instead read "bullet bullet bullet". This is more workaround than solution but I found it works best across browsers and JAWS versions.

If you don't target really old JAWS (<13); you can also use aria-label="text to read" and that should override JAWS reading actual password entered. I had mixed success with this approach on text-boxes/password-boxes depending on browser and JAWS version used.

<input type="password">

This will displays asterisks or bullet points (depending on the browser) in the password field as you type and will prevent the screen reader from announcing the letter you're typing. But it also means the user must be a touch-typist because they won't hear what they're typing. The screen reader will just say "star star star" as you type.

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