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在基类构造函数中使用泛型和 IEnumerable

[英]Using generics with IEnumerable in base class constructor

Why does this code gives this error?为什么此代码会出现此错误?

Argument type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>' is not assignable to parameter type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<[...].IExample>'参数类型“System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>”不可分配给参数类型“System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<[...].IExample>”

public interface IExample { }

public class BaseClass
    public BaseClass(IEnumerable<IExample> a) { }

public class FailingClass<T> : BaseClass
    where T : IExample
    public FailingClass(IEnumerable<T> a): base(a) { } //error here on base(a)

You are missing the class constraint to T within FailingClass .您在FailingClass中缺少对Tclass约束。 IEnumerable<T> has a type parameter marked as covariant. IEnumerable<T>具有标记为协变的类型参数。 Covariance enables you to use a more derived type than originally specified.协方差使您能够使用比最初指定的更多派生类型。 Variance in general applies to reference types only.差异通常仅适用于引用类型。

So what the class constraint actually does here is enforcing a constraint to pass a reference type.所以类约束在这里实际上做的是强制一个约束来传递一个引用类型。 If you were to pass in a value type for T, that type parameter is invariant for the resulting constructed type and does not suffice IEnumerable<T> .如果要为 T 传递值类型,则该类型参数对于生成的构造类型是不变的,并且不足以IEnumerable<T>

using System.Collections.Generic;

public interface IExample { }

public class BaseClass
    public BaseClass(IEnumerable<IExample> a) { }

public class FailingClass<T> : BaseClass
    where T : class, IExample
    public FailingClass(IEnumerable<T> a): base(a) { } //error here on base(a)

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