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什么时候适合在 Python 中对内置数据类型进行子类化?

[英]When is it appropriate to Subclass built-in data types in Python?


This question is regarding subclassing built-in data types in Python;这个问题是关于在 Python 中对subclassing built-in data types for example:例如:

class MyList(list):
    def __init__(self, *args):

class MyDict(dict):
    def __init__(self, *args):

my_list = MyList()
my_dict = MyDict()

Note : This is just an example;注意:这只是一个例子; my question is for any built-in data types in general, not just list and dict data-types.我的问题一般是针对任何built-in data types ,而不仅仅是listdict数据类型。


  1. What are the pros and cons of subclassing built-in data types like this?cons pros什么?
  2. Is this recommended Python practice?这是推荐的 Python 实践吗?
  3. Would there ever be a case to use super() when subclassing built-in data types like this?在对这样的内置数据类型进行子类化时,是否有使用super()的情况?
  4. Can you please give a code examples of how to correctly implement a list and dict built-in data subclass?您能否提供一个代码示例,说明如何正确实现listdict内置数据子类?

My advise is to use UserDict and UserList from collections module as starting point:我的建议是使用collections模块中的UserDictUserList作为起点:

UserDict : https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.html#userdict-objects用户字典: https : UserDict

UserList : https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.html#userlist-objects用户列表: https : UserList

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