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如何在 azure 中创建将文件从 SFTP 上传到 azure 数据湖存储的 api

[英]How to create api in azure that uploads file from SFTP to azure data lake storage

我的要求是我想创建 api/azure 功能,用于将文件从 SFTP 服务器上传到 azure 数据湖存储是否有任何参考项目或指导,请指导我

Yes, you can achieve the above requirement to connect and transfer the files from SFTP to Data lake storage ;是的,您可以实现将文件从 SFTP 连接和传输到 Data Lake Storage 的上述要求

Please check if my findings are helpful,请检查我的发现是否有帮助,

You can do while uploading files to Data Lake through SFTP server the configuration of authentication is set to basic and disable SSH host keys validation this is when you are trying to upload files using without any authentication with Azure AD .您可以在通过 SFTP 服务器将文件上传到 Data Lake 时将身份验证配置设置为基本并禁用 SSH 主机密钥验证,这是当您尝试使用 Azure AD 不进行任何身份验证来上传文件时

For example:-例如:-


When you are trying to upload files to DATA LAKE Storage through SFTP you need to configure SFTP on Portal and provide the connection details .当您尝试通过 SFTP 将文件上传到 DATA LAKE Storage 时,您需要在 Portal 上配置 SFTP 并提供连接详细信息。

For complete configuration and information please find the below workaround links :-有关完整的配置和信息,请找到以下解决方法链接:-

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