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[英]Drop down on the adaptive card feels (looks) like disabled

I am a MS Team-based bot application which sends adaptive cards into the channel, The card contains the drop down the JSON look like below:我是一个基于 MS Team 的机器人应用程序,它将自适应卡片发送到通道中,卡片包含下拉 JSON,如下所示:

    type: 'Input.ChoiceSet',
    id: 'statusUpdate',
    choices: actionList,
    placeholder: 'Status update',
    value: 'Select an option',

So, it feels like on the preview that the drop-down is disabled as the colour is grey, Is there a way to change the colour?所以,感觉就像在预览中,下拉菜单被禁用,因为颜色是灰色的,有没有办法改变颜色?


There is no any property available to change the color of Input.ChoiceSet.没有任何属性可用于更改 Input.ChoiceSet 的颜色。

Only below properties are available for Input.ChoiceSet Input.ChoiceSet 只有以下属性可用

id ID
choices isMultiSelect选择是多选
placeholder wrap占位符换行

Ref Doc: https://adaptivecards.io/explorer/Input.ChoiceSet.html参考文档: https ://adaptivecards.io/explorer/Input.ChoiceSet.html

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