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使用 Type Sense 等搜索 UI 的自适应卡片

[英]Adaptive card for search UI using something like Type Sense

Is there a way to create an adaptive card which provides a search UI - an instant search UI like TypeSense?有没有办法创建提供搜索 UI 的自适应卡片 - 像 TypeSense 这样的即时搜索 UI?

Our use case is as follows: we have a Teams bot that the users can use to do various things like approving invoices etc., but we also want to provide a way for users to search invoices.我们的用例如下:我们有一个 Teams 机器人,用户可以使用它来执行各种操作,例如批准发票等,但我们还希望为用户提供一种搜索发票的方法。 And for that we want to provide an input field where the user can type some stuff and as they are typing the instant search will provide results.为此,我们希望提供一个输入字段,用户可以在其中输入一些内容,并且在他们输入时,即时搜索将提供结果。 We have the TypeSense server and the UI for that working in a web application.我们有 TypeSense 服务器和用于 web 应用程序的 UI。 I am looking to see how I can provide it in Teams UI as a conversational way.我正在寻找如何在 Teams UI 中以对话方式提供它。 I know I can embed it as a tab in Teams - but I am trying to see I can provide it in chat itself.我知道我可以将它作为一个选项卡嵌入到 Teams 中 - 但我试图看到我可以在聊天本身中提供它。

Regards Ravi问候拉维

Perhaps Typeahead search in Adaptive Cards might help?也许自适应卡片中的 Typeahead 搜索可能会有所帮助?

It provides a list of choices to enter text in the search field.它提供了在搜索字段中输入文本的选项列表。 You can incorporate typeahead search with Adaptive Cards to search and select data.您可以将预输入搜索与自适应卡片结合起来搜索 select 数据。

You can use typeahead search for the following searches:您可以使用预先输入搜索进行以下搜索:

Read more from Microsoft's official documentation here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/task-modules-and-cards/cards/dynamic-search?tabs=desktop%2Ccsharp在此处阅读 Microsoft 官方文档的更多信息: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/task-modules-and-cards/cards/dynamic-search?tabs=desktop%2Ccsharp

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