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将消息从 background.js 发送到弹出窗口

[英]Send message from background.js to popup

I want to implement FCM in my chrome extension.我想在我的 chrome 扩展中实现 FCM。 At the mement after a lot of research I've found that the quick and best way to implement fcm is using the old API chrome.gcm .在经过大量研究后,我发现实现 fcm 的快速和最佳方法是使用旧的 API chrome.gcm At the moment this solution seems working fine and when the extension is loaded I'm able to get an fcm token.目前这个解决方案似乎工作正常,当加载扩展时我能够获得一个 fcm 令牌。

Now what I want to do is to pass the token to the popup that is powered by vue.js I'm trying with this code but without success.现在我想做的是将令牌传递给由 vue.js 提供支持的弹出窗口我正在尝试使用此代码但没有成功。


const openPopup = () => {
        type: 'popup',
        height: 520,
        width: 440,
        url: chrome.runtime.getURL('popup.html')

const registeredToken = (registrationId) => {
    console.log('FCM Token')
    chrome.runtime.sendMessage({fcmToken: registrationId})
    if( chrome.runtime.lastError ) {

const notificationId = (id) => {
    if(chrome.runtime.lastError) {

chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener( () => {
    console.log('FCM extension installed')

chrome.action.onClicked.addListener( (tab) => {

chrome.gcm.register(['my_sender_id'], registeredToken)

chrome.gcm.onMessage.addListener( (message) => {
    console.log(message, message.data["gcm.notification.title"])
    chrome.notifications.create('', {
        type: 'basic',
        iconUrl: 'letter.png',
        title: message.data["gcm.notification.title"],
        message: message.data["gcm.notification.body"],
        buttons: [
            { title: 'Dismiss' },
            { title: 'Reply' }
    }, notificationId)

chrome.notifications.onButtonClicked.addListener( (notificationId, buttonIndex) => {
    console.log('button clicked')
    console.log(notificationId, buttonIndex)

popup.vue file popup.vue 文件

    <div class="main_app">
        <h1>Hello {{msg}}</h1>

export default {
    name: 'popupView',
    data () {
        return {
            msg: ''
    mounted() {
        chrome.runtime.onMessage( (message, sender, sendResponse) => {
            console.log(message, sender, sendResponse)
            this.msg = message
    methods: {



What I've noticed is that the chrome.runtime.sendMessage({fcmToken: registrationId}) will not work and on the popup side I'm unable to send or get messages from background我注意到的是chrome.runtime.sendMessage({fcmToken: registrationId})将不起作用,并且在弹出窗口方面我无法从后台发送或获取消息

How I can pass messages between the vue.js powered popup and the background.js file of the extension?我如何在 vue.js 驱动的弹出窗口和扩展程序的 background.js 文件之间传递消息?

Is better to use firebase client library to get push messages or the gcm is fine for this scope?是更好地使用 firebase 客户端库来获取推送消息还是 gcm 适合这个 scope?

You can use the chrome.tabs.query and chrome.tabs.sendMessage APIs to send a message from the background to the Popup.您可以使用chrome.tabs.querychrome.tabs.sendMessage API将消息从后台发送到 Popup。

   chrome.tabs.query({}, function (tabs) {
    tabs.forEach((tab) => {
        function (response) {
         // do something here if you want

That's it!而已!

I spend lots of hours to finding solution to the same proble and still not find any.我花了很多时间来寻找相同问题的解决方案,但仍然没有找到任何解决方案。

My current understanding is, that we are trying to do and use method for the purpose, they wasnt ment to be used for.我目前的理解是,我们正在尝试做和使用方法的目的,而不是为了使用它们。

Key information leading to this:导致这一点的关键信息:

  • popup.js can share the same. popup.js 可以共享相同的。 Js file and objects with background.js带有 background.js 的 Js 文件和对象
  • documentation primarely is talking about passing data between web page (content.js) and others (popup.js or background.js)文档主要是关于在 web 页面 (content.js) 和其他页面(popup.js 或 background.js)之间传递数据

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