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opentelemetry golang 总是为 traceID 和 spanID 提供全 0

[英]opentelemetry golang always give all 0 for traceID and spanID

I am totally new to the distributed world and trying to use open telemetry for distributed tracing.我对分布式世界完全陌生,并尝试使用开放遥测进行分布式跟踪。 For phase 1, just trying to have a request id (traceID / spanID) going, so we can co-relate the request logs.对于第 1 阶段,只是尝试让请求 id (traceID / spanID) 继续,因此我们可以关联请求日志。 Have not yet decided on collector/ exporter.尚未决定收集器/出口商。

My span/ trace id is always zero, in below middleware code Is it because I have not initialized the tracer with all the exporter/ collector etc?我的跨度/跟踪 ID 始终为零,在下面的中间件代码中是因为我没有使用所有导出器/收集器等初始化跟踪器吗?

func AddSpanId(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
    fn := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        values := []interface{}{}
        spanID, traceID := getRequestIDs(r)
        values = append(values, "spanID", spanID)
        values = append(values, "traceID", traceID)
        //code to wrap values into context

func getRequestIDs(r *http.Request) (string, string) {
    _, span := otel.Tracer("somename").Start(r.Context(), "handler")
    return span.SpanContext().SpanID().String(), span.SpanContext().TraceID().String()

You need to instrument your http handler:您需要检测您的http处理程序:

import (

// Package-level tracer.
// This should be configured in your code setup instead of here.
var tracer = otel.Tracer("github.com/full/path/to/mypkg")

func main() {
    // Wrap your httpHandler function.
    handler := http.HandlerFunc(httpHandler)
    wrappedHandler := otelhttp.NewHandler(handler, "hello-instrumented")
    http.Handle("/hello-instrumented", wrappedHandler)

    // And start the HTTP serve.
    log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":3030", nil))

https://opentelemetry.io/docs/instrumentation/go/libraries/ https://opentelemetry.io/docs/instrumentation/go/libraries/

You also rarely need to work directly with traceID and spanID.您也很少需要直接使用 traceID 和 spanID。 Starting Span API is typical building block to instrument the code.启动 Span API 是检测代码的典型构建块。

_, span := otel.Tracer(name).Start(ctx, "Poll")
defer span.End() 

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