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需要帮助:您能识别我的 URL 上的桌面 CLS(累积布局转换)吗?

[英]Need Help: Can you identify the Desktop CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) on my URL?

URL: tinyurl.com/36utmdnc网址:tinyurl.com/36utmdnc

In Google Search Console, I am seeing thousands of errors for Core Web Vitals, particularly the CLS in Desktop mode.在 Google Search Console 中,我看到了数千个 Core Web Vitals 错误,尤其是桌面模式下的 CLS。 I've made a number of changes, such as removing all ads, tweaking the CSS, HTML and other code.我进行了许多更改,例如删除所有广告、调整 CSS、HTML 和其他代码。 I've been making changes for a year actually, but I've really tried tackling this problem over the past 2-3 months, since "Page Experience" is showing a big reduction in "good URLs" and I believe it's now affecting my traffic volume from Google Search.实际上,我已经进行了一年的更改,但在过去的 2-3 个月中,我真的尝试解决这个问题,因为“页面体验”显示“好 URL”大幅减少,我相信它现在正在影响我的来自 Google 搜索的流量。 It's been weeks now and the CLS is not changing in Search Console.现在已经有几周了,而且 Search Console 中的 CLS 没有改变。 I've tried validating for a couple of months now.我已经尝试验证了几个月。

The example URL above (a product page) has a CLS score of 0.33 according to Google Search Console / Core Web Vitals.根据 Google Search Console / Core Web Vitals,上面的示例 URL(产品页面)的 CLS 得分为 0.33。 It seems all of the errors are on my product pages like the example above.似乎所有错误都在我的产品页面上,如上面的示例。 I've ran tests in PageSpeed Insights, which shows a CLS of "0".我在 PageSpeed Insights 中进行了测试,结果显示 CLS 为“0”。 I understand the reports shown in Google Search Console are from "Chrome User Experience report", which is different than PageSpeed Insights "lab setting".我了解 Google Search Console 中显示的报告来自“Chrome 用户体验报告”,这与 PageSpeed Insights“实验室设置”不同。

Here are things I've done:以下是我做过的事情:

  • Opened Chrome Developer Tools and clicked the checkbox for "Layout Shift Regions", which flash blue during a layout shift.打开 Chrome 开发人员工具并单击“布局转换区域”复选框,在布局转换期间闪烁蓝色。 Also checked the "Core Web Vitals" to enable to overlay that adds up CLS throughout the entire browsing experience.还检查了“Core Web Vitals”以启用在整个浏览体验中叠加 CLS 的叠加层。
  • Opened the Network Tab and throttled the speed down to "very slow tests" and carefully watched for layout shifts while the page loads slowly.打开网络选项卡并将速度降低到“非常慢的测试”,并在页面加载缓慢时仔细观察布局变化。
  • Carefully read the guides on web.dev/cls/ , ran Chrome's LightHouse test, ran tests on various sites like webvitals.dev/cls , defaced.dev/tools/layout-shift-gif-generator/ , webpagetest.org/webvitals, etc.仔细阅读 web.dev/cls/ 上的指南,运行 Chrome 的 LightHouse 测试,在 webvitals.dev/cls、defaced.dev/tools/layout-shift-gif-generator/、webvitals.org/webvitals 等各种网站上运行测试,等等
  • Manually tested using different screen resolution widths/heights using Chrome Developer Tools (800px width, 1400px width, 8000px height, etc).使用 Chrome 开发者工具(800 像素宽度、1400 像素宽度、8000 像素高度等)使用不同的屏幕分辨率宽度/高度手动测试。
  • Asked tech-savvy friends/users to also check and help identify the CLS.要求精通技术的朋友/用户也检查并帮助识别 CLS。

I can't find anything that could cause a large CLS of 0.33.我找不到任何可能导致 0.33 的大 CLS 的东西。 The number of CLS errors in Search Console is staying steady, going up and down by about 100 URLs every day, but the same example URL above has been stuck there for months. Search Console 中的 CLS 错误数量保持稳定,每天上升和下降大约 100 个 URL,但上面的同一个示例 URL 已经停滞了几个月。 So I was hoping someone with knowledge could find it or identify the underlying issue.所以我希望有知识的人能找到它或找出潜在的问题。


I cannot see a CLS score of 0.33 for that page, and agree that testing it myself shows very little CLS.我看不到该页面的 CLS 分数为 0.33,并且同意我自己测试它显示的 CLS 很少。

You are correct that PageSpeed Insights is lab-based, but it also shows the field-based data at the top, and in this case it is saying it does not have enough field-based data for this URL and so is displaying the origin-level data for all the pages for your site.您是正确的,PageSpeed Insights 是基于实验室的,但它还在顶部显示基于字段的数据,在这种情况下,它表示该 URL 没有足够的基于字段的数据,因此显示来源-您网站的所有页面的级别数据。

桌面视图中 PageSpeed Insights 基于字段的数据的屏幕截图

Google Search Console also shows field-based data, but groups pages it thinks might be similar and gives them all the same CLS scores. Google Search Console 也会显示基于字段的数据,但会将它认为可能相似的页面分组,并为它们提供所有相同的 CLS 分数。 This is done at a bit more lower-level grouping than the whole origin so it may group all your product pages together for example, if it has data for some of them.这是在比整个来源更低级别的分组中完成的,因此它可以将所有产品页面组合在一起,例如,如果它有其中一些页面的数据。

This page for example has a hover effect that gives a huge CLS when it's used - though can't quite see why as finding it difficult to trigger manually in dev tools.例如,这个页面有一个悬停效果,在使用时会产生巨大的 CLS - 虽然不太明白为什么很难在开发工具中手动触发。

It is possible those pages are the ones with the actual CLS issue and they are being lumped in with your good page under the product pages group.这些页面可能是具有实际 CLS 问题的页面,并且它们被归入产品页面组下的好页面。 I would investigate if you can reduce the CLS on that hover effect.我会调查你是否可以减少悬停效果的 CLS。

Separately, I notice you are lazy loading your images but not specifying width and height on them .另外,我注意到您在延迟加载图像但没有在它们上指定宽度和高度 This can lead CLS if the images are not loaded by the time that area scrolls into view for example this test when linking to a bit at the bottom of the page .如果在该区域滚动到视图中时未加载图像,这可能会导致 CLS,例如链接到页面底部的位时的此测试 It is recommended to always include image dimensions on lazy-loaded images (and in fact on all images!) to avoid this. 建议始终在延迟加载的图像上包含图像尺寸(实际上是在所有图像上!)以避免这种情况。 This could be another reason for your high CLS, which is not as evident in lab-based tools that typically only load the top of the page without lazy-loaded content.这可能是您的高 CLS 的另一个原因,这在基于实验室的工具中并不明显,这些工具通常只加载页面顶部而没有延迟加载的内容。

I also recommend you read the Debugging Web Vitals in the Field and also the more advanced Measure and debug performance with Google Analytics 4 and BigQuery for additional information as to how to answer why your field-based metrics may be different than what you can observe.我还建议您阅读Debugging Web Vitals in the Field以及更高级的Measure and debug performance with Google Analytics 4 和 BigQuery以获取有关如何回答为什么您的基于字段的指标可能与您观察到的不同的更多信息。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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