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如何在 Delphi 10.4 FMX 应用程序中更改标题栏颜色?

[英]How to change titlebar color in Delphi 10.4 FMX application?

Why there is no property about Form TitleBar in Delphi 10.4 FMX multi-device application?为什么 Delphi 10.4 FMX 多设备应用程序中没有关于 Form TitleBar 的属性? (Windows 64bit application) How to change the form TitleBar color? (Windows 64bit 应用程序)如何改变窗体的TitleBar 颜色? I can not edit the custom or the default style for Form either.我也无法编辑表单的自定义或默认样式。 Found a third-party site that shows some styles have colored TitleBar.找到一个第三方网站,显示一些样式有彩色的TitleBar。 https://www.delphistyles.com/fmx/index.html So, does anyone knows the mystery part about it? https://www.delphistyles.com/fmx/index.html那么,有谁知道它的神秘部分吗?

In order to edit Title bar style the style editor that is built into Delphi IDE won't be enough.为了编辑标题栏样式,内置在 Delphi IDE 中的样式编辑器是不够的。 The built in style designer is mostly intended to quickly create custom styles for specific components.内置样式设计器主要用于为特定组件快速创建自定义样式。

What you want to use is standalone Bitmap Style Designer that you launch from Tools-> Bitmap Stlye Designer您要使用的是从Tools-> Bitmap Stlye Designer启动的独立位图样式设计器

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