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Haskell - 按第一个组件合并两个元组列表

[英]Haskell - Merge two lists of tuples by first component

I have the following lists of tuples:我有以下元组列表:

List 1:清单 1:

[("key-1", Type1, Type2, Type3), ("key-2", Type1, Type2, Type3)]

List 2:清单 2:

[("key-1", Type4), ("key-2", Type4)]

and I want to merge these tuples by its first component so that the following result is produced:我想通过它的第一个组件合并这些元组,以便产生以下结果:

Result List:结果列表:

[("key-1", Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4), ("key-2", Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4)]

In what way can I create the result list?我可以通过什么方式创建结果列表?

How about using zipWith :如何使用zipWith

main = print $ merge list1 list2
-- [("key-1",0,True,"a string",'a'),("key-2",1,False,"another string",'b')]

merge :: [(a,b,c,d)] -> [(a,e)] -> [(a,b,c,d,e)]
merge = zipWith $ \(a,b,c,d) (_,e) -> (a,b,c,d,e)

list1 = [("key-1", 0, True, "a string"), ("key-2", 1, False, "another string")]
list2 = [("key-1", 'a'), ("key-2", 'b')]

In general case I would go with converting to maps approach:在一般情况下,我会转换为地图方法:

import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map

merge :: Ord a => [(a,b,c,d)] -> [(a,e)] -> [(a,b,c,d,e)]
merge left right = let
    mleft   = Map.fromList $ map (\(k, a,b,c) -> (k, (a,b,c))) left
    mright  = Map.fromList right
    mergeL (a, b, c, d) acc = case Map.lookup a mright of
        Nothing -> acc -- can't merge
        Just e  -> (a, b, c, d, e) : acc
    in foldr mergeL [] left

Note this will get rid of keys that are not present in both lists.请注意,这将删除两个列表中都不存在的键。 In case you need to preserve those you can generate entry with some default values for Nothing case, add similarly looking mergeR and concatenate two foldr in result.如果您需要保留那些您可以为Nothing情况生成具有一些默认值的条目,请添加外观相似的mergeR并在结果中连接两个foldr

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