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[英]How to merge two lists of tuples?

I have two lists in Scala, how to merge them such that the tuples are grouped together? 我在Scala中有两个列表,如何合并它们以便将元组组合在一起?

Is there an existing Scala list API which can do this or need I do it by myself? 是否有现成的Scala列表API可以执行此操作或需要我自己执行此操作?

Input: 输入:

 List((a,4), (b,1), (c,1), (d,1))
 List((a,1), (b,1), (c,1))

Expected output: 预期产量:


You can try the following one-line: 您可以尝试以下一行:

scala> ( l1 ++ l2 ).groupBy( _._1 ).map( kv => (kv._1, kv._2.map( _._2).sum ) ).toList
res6: List[(Symbol, Int)] = List(('a,5), ('c,2), ('b,2), ('d,1))

Where l1 and l2 are the lists of tuples you want merge. 其中l1l2是要合并的元组列表。

Now, the breakdown: 现在,细分:

  • (l1 ++ l2) you just concatenate both lists (l1 ++ l2)你只是连接两个列表
  • .groupBy( _._1) you group all tuples by their first element. .groupBy( _._1)您按照第一个元素对所有元组进行分组。 You will receive a Map with the first element as key and lists of tuples starting with this element as values. 您将收到一个Map,第一个元素作为键,以及以此元素作为值开头的元组列表。
  • .map( kv => (kv._1, kv._2.map( _._2).sum ) ) you make a new map, with similar keys, but the values are the sum of all second elements. .map( kv => (kv._1, kv._2.map( _._2).sum ) )你制作一个新的地图,使用相似的键,但这些值是所有第二个元素的总和。
  • .toList you convert the result back to a list. .toList将结果转换回列表。

Alternatively, you can use pattern matching to access the tuple elements. 或者,您可以使用模式匹配来访问元组元素。

( l1 ++ l2 ).groupBy( _._1 ).map{
  case (key,tuples) => (key, tuples.map( _._2).sum ) 

Alternatively you can also use mapValues to shorten the code. 或者,您也可以使用mapValues来缩短代码。

mapValues , as you can probably guess, allows you to re-map just the value for each (key, value) pair in the Map created by groupBy . 正如您可能猜到的, mapValues允许您仅重新映射groupBy创建的Map中每个(键,值)对的值。

In this case the function passed to mapValues reduces each (Char, Int) tuple to just the Int then sums the resulting List of Ints. 在这种情况下,传递给mapValues的函数将每个(Char,Int)元组mapValues为Int,然后将得到的Int列表相加。

(l1 ::: l2).groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.map(_._2).sum).toList

If the order of the output list needs to follow your example, just add sorted which relies on an Ordering[(Char, Int)] implicit instance. 如果输出列表的顺序需要遵循您的示例,则只需添加依赖于Ordering [(Char,Int)]隐式实例的sorted

(l1 ::: l2).groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.map(_._2).sum).toList.sorted

If you can assume that both List[(A,B)] are ordered according to Ordering[A] , you could write something like: 如果你可以假设List[(A,B)]都是按照Ordering[A] ,你可以这样写:

def mergeLists[A,B](one:List[(A,B)], two:List[(A,B)])(op:(B,B)=>B)(implicit ord:Ordering[A]): List[(A,B)] = (one,two) match {
    case (xs, Nil) => xs
    case (Nil, ys) => ys
    case((a,b)::xs,(aa,bb)::ys) =>
      if (a == aa) (a, op(b,bb)) :: mergeLists(xs,ys)(op)(ord)
      else if (ord.lt(a,aa)) (a, b) :: mergeLists(xs, (aa,bb)::ys)(op)(ord)
      else (aa, bb) :: mergeLists((a,b) :: xs, ys)(op)(ord)

Unfortunately this isn't tail recursive. 不幸的是,这不是尾递归。

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