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为什么应用洞察力为事件中心依赖遥测生成 _MS.links 列?

[英]Why app insight generate _MS.links column for event hub dependency telemetry?

I added event hub to my application and App Insight started to emit telemetry with for event dependency.我在我的应用程序中添加了事件中心,App Insight 开始针对事件依赖发出遥测数据。 One of the column in this dependency is _MS.links causing downstream workflows to fail due to column name.此依赖项中的一列是 _MS.links,导致下游工作流因列名而失败。

Why app insight emits column with _MS.为什么应用洞察力会发出带有 _MS 的列。 prefix?字首?

具有特殊字符的名称应引用为x["y"]x['y'] (而不是xy ),在这种情况下: customDimensions["_MS.links"] ,如此处所示

customDimensions["_MS.links"] is the "Operation links" used alongside Operation Id ( operation_Id ), Parent Id ( operation_ParentId ) and Id ( id ) for Application Insights to correlate telemetry. customDimensions["_MS.links"]是与操作 ID ( operation_Id )、父 ID ( operation_ParentId ) 和 ID ( id ) 一起使用的“操作链接”,用于 Application Insights 关联遥测。 See Understanding operation IDs & operation links when working with Event Hubs for more info on that.有关详细信息,请参阅使用事件中心时了解操作 ID 和操作链接

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