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在 2 个关键字之间搜索存储过程文件以解析所有 SQL

[英]Stored Procedure File search between 2 keywords to parse all SQL

I want to search between 2 keywords (SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE and semicolon ;) in my file of stored procedure code to filter all SQL queries in the file using python.我想在我的存储过程代码文件中搜索 2 个关键字(SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 和分号;),以使用 python 过滤文件中的所有 SQL 查询。 1 select(or even insert) can have nested select so if there is any select keyword it should continue till it find semicolon ignoring any other select/insert/delete/update keyword in between. 1 选择(甚至插入)可以有嵌套选择,因此如果有任何选择关键字,它应该继续直到找到分号,而忽略其间的任何其他选择/插入/删除/更新关键字。

The SQL query can be start of line or may not be & it will be multiline. SQL 查询可以是行首,也可以不是,它将是多行的。

select, insert, delete, update keyword can be in upper or lowercase. select、insert、delete、update 关键字可以是大写或小写。

Can anyone help with that?任何人都可以帮忙吗?

I tried split function but didn't work.我尝试了拆分功能,但没有奏效。

Sample Text input file:示例文本输入文件:

create procedure get_user ( in p_user_id int unsigned) 
   declare v_id int; 
   select ADDR_ID into v_id from address where ADDR_ID = v_user_id;  
   delete from address_2 where ADDR_ID = new_v_id;
   select * from address_2 
   where ADDR_ID in
   (Select ADDR_ID from address 
     where ADDR_ID = v_user_id);  

Required Output:所需输出:

select ADDR_ID into v_id from address where ADDR_ID = v_user_id;  
delete from address_2 where ADDR_ID = new_v_id;
select * from address_2 where ADDR_ID in (Select ADDR_ID from address where ADDR_ID = v_user_id);

Referred the link & solved this problem.参考链接并解决了这个问题。

How to extract text between two substrings from a Python file 如何从 Python 文件中提取两个子字符串之间的文本

import re

start = ['SELECT','select','DELETE','delete','INSERT','insert','UPDATE','update']
end = ';'

for i in start:
    rx = r'{}.*?{}'.format(re.escape(i), re.escape(end)) # Escape special chars, build pattern dynamically
    with open('sp.txt') as myfile:
        copy = False
        contents = myfile.read()                     # Read file into a variable
        for match in re.findall(rx, contents, re.S): # Note re.S will make . match line breaks, too
            # Process each match individually
            print (match)

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