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openai Codex 中的后缀和前缀提示是什么?

[英]What is suffix and prefix prompt in openai Codex?

I have been trying to understand what is the suffix prompt in addition to the prefix prompt in Codex.除了 Codex 中的前缀提示之外,我一直在尝试了解后缀提示是什么。

They have provided an example他们提供了一个例子

def get_largest_prime_factor(n):
    if n < 2:
        return False
    def is_prime(n): >  for i in range(2, n): >  if n % i == 0: >  return False >  return True >     largest = 1
    for j in range(2, n + 1):
        if n % j == 0 and is_prime(j):
    return largest

From this example it is not clear to me how to create a suffix prompt?从这个例子中我不清楚如何创建后缀提示?

What I understand is suffix prompt is for code insert model.我理解的是后缀提示是代码插入 model。 My use case is also insert mode ie, code needs to be updated in the middle of a code snippet.我的用例也是insert模式,即需要在代码片段中间更新代码。

Can anyone please provide a snippet showing how I can use the suffix prompt so that Codex works in the insert mode?谁能提供一个片段,显示我如何使用后缀提示,以便 Codex 在插入模式下工作?

This python example worked for me.这个 python 示例对我有用。

import os
import openai

openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")

# Example per https://beta.openai.com/docs/guides/completion/inserting-text
prompt="I went to college at Boston University. After getting my degree, I decided to make a change. A big change!"
suffix="Now, I can’t get enough of the Pacific Ocean!"

# Use "suffix" parameter documented in
# https://beta.openai.com/docs/api-reference/completions/create#completions/create-suffix
response = openai.Completion.create(

# Print completion
print( response["choices"][0]["text"] )

# Typical output
# "I moved to California! I love the weather and all the new adventures it brings"

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