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Odoo v15 - 使用自动操作打印报告

[英]Odoo v15 - Print a report with an Automated Action

I am trying to use an automated action and a python expression to print a report which features a package's barcode when that package is initially created.我正在尝试使用自动操作和 python 表达式来打印一个报告,该报告在最初创建 package 时具有包的条形码。 I have my report setup with the barcode and other information I need.我有我需要的条形码和其他信息的报告设置。 I have tried several ways to get this to work including:我尝试了几种方法来让它工作,包括:

  • Using report_action() to print the report使用 report_action() 打印报告
  • Using action = {... } to print the report使用 action = {... } 打印报告

I have not been able to find information on printing with an automated action and odoo studio and would appreciate any assistance, thanks.我无法找到有关使用自动操作和 odoo 工作室进行打印的信息,希望能提供任何帮助,谢谢。

If you need automated printing then you most likely need third party addon.如果您需要自动打印,那么您很可能需要第三方插件。 Someting like thet: https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/15.0/printnode_base/有点像: https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/15.0/printnode_base/

If you want to just open the pdf then you can create report action and then print it from the browser.如果您只想打开 pdf,那么您可以创建报告操作,然后从浏览器中打印。

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