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如果 sensor_msgs/NavSatFix.msg 中的“高度”读数为负,该怎么办?

[英]What can be done if "altitude" reading is negative in sensor_msgs/NavSatFix.msg?

What to interpret and how to process the data in general when the values (from gps sensor) for "altitude" field in ROS sensor_msgs/NavSatFix.msg is negative ?ROS sensor_msgs/NavSatFix.msg中的“高度”字段的值(来自 gps 传感器)为时,一般要解释什么以及如何处理数据?

Even at sea level, altitude may be negative: GPS uses a mathematic earth model to estimate the height in mean sea level.即使在海平面,高度也可能为负:GPS 使用数学地球 model 来估计平均海平面的高度。 This model is usually a simplified EGM96 geoid.这个 model 通常是简化的 EGM96 大地水准面。 The local sea level might be some meter higher or lower.当地的海平面可能高出几米或低几米。

Just be aware that this is not unusual.请注意,这并不罕见。 Depending what your app Should do, you can display any value < 0 as 0.根据您的应用程序应该做什么,您可以将任何 < 0 的值显示为 0。

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