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在 Xamarin Forms iOS 中使用 UIStringAttributes 时,如何获取 UITextView 的行高?

[英]How do I get line heights of UITextView when using UIStringAttributes in Xamarin Forms iOS?

I have a problem with setting UIStringAttributes.Font .我在设置UIStringAttributes.Font时遇到问题。

Before setting it, the system defaults to Helvetica 12pt , with a line height of 13.8.在设置之前,系统默认为Helvetica 12pt ,行高为 13.8。

This line height seems accurate as shown by the image here:此行高似乎准确,如下图所示:



However if I set the UIStringAttributes.Font property with Arial 17pt , the line height of 18.99 seems inaccurate as shown here:但是,如果我使用Arial 17pt设置UIStringAttributes.Font属性,则 18.99 的行高似乎不准确,如下所示:




My code is as follows:我的代码如下:

void SetAttributes(string text)
  NSMutableAttributedString astr = new NSMutableAttributedString();
  UIStringAttributes attrs;
  NSAttributedString str;
  CheckBox cb;
  string[] lines;
  string line;

  lines = text.Split("\n", StringSplitOptions.None);
  for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++)
            cb = _checks[i];
            line = lines[i];

    if (i + 1 < _checks.Count)
      line += "\n";

    attrs = new UIStringAttributes();
    attrs.ForegroundColor = cb.Color;

    attrs.Font = Control.Font;

    str = new NSAttributedString(line, attrs);


  Control.AttributedText = astr;

public override void Draw(CGRect rect)
  double baseline = editor.Padding.Top + Control.Font.Ascender;
  double movingBaseline = baseline + BOTTOM_MARGIN;
  double scrollY = Control.ContentOffset.Y;

  double _lineHeight = Control.Font.LineHeight;

  //get graphics context
  using (CGContext g = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext())
    for (int i = 0; i < _lines.Count; i++)
        CGPath path = new CGPath();

      //set up drawing attributes

      //add lines to the touch points
      path.AddLines(new CGPoint[] { new CGPoint(0, movingBaseline - scrollY),
                  new CGPoint(300, movingBaseline - scrollY) });

      //add geometry to graphics context and draw it


      //tying this to the control.baseline hopefully should help
      //to avoid accumulating rounding errors
      movingBaseline = baseline + BOTTOM_MARGIN + (_lineHeight * (double)(i + 1));



I've tried:我试过了:

  • 1 other font, Consolas -> height still wrong其他 1 种字体, Consolas -> height 仍然错误
  • NSString(text).StringSize -> gives height of 19 which is wrong NSString(text).StringSize -> 给出 19 的高度,这是错误的
  • Setting ParagraphStyle.LineHeight in UIStringAttributes so I can control the height, but unfortunately it is not settable because Xamarin hasn't implemented a setterUIStringAttributes中设置ParagraphStyle.LineHeight以便我可以控制高度,但不幸的是它不可设置,因为 Xamarin 尚未实现设置器

Any ideas?有任何想法吗?

I believe I may have solved it, or at least have a workaround with:我相信我可能已经解决了它,或者至少有一个解决方法:

NSMutableParagraphStyle para = new NSMutableParagraphStyle();

para.LineSpacing = LINESPACING;
attrs.ParagraphStyle = para;

Setting the Font on the attributes was likely adding a default linespacing which I had no visibility of.属性上设置字体可能会添加一个我看不到的默认行距。 If I explicitly set it myself, at least I know what value is being used and can calculate the line height as:如果我自己明确设置它,至少我知道正在使用什么值并且可以将行高计算为:

lineHeight = Control.Font.LineHeight + LINESPACING

This seems to work for now.这似乎暂时有效。 Will report back if it starts misbehaving again.如果它再次开始行为不端,将报告。


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