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asp.NET Web 应用程序,如何与所有代码隐藏文件共享类?

[英]asp.NET Web App, how do I share classes with all code-behind files?

I know that super-basic newbie questions aren't always welcomed on this site, and I'm afraid that the mods might swoop down on this post like a hawk on a hamster, but I'm really stuck.我知道这个网站并不总是欢迎超级基本的新手问题,而且我担心这些模组可能会像仓鼠上的鹰一样猛扑到这篇文章上,但我真的被困住了。

I inherited an asp.NET application written in C#.我继承了用 C# 编写的 asp.NET 应用程序。 It is not a project and not associated with a solution;它不是一个项目,也不与解决方案相关联; it is simply a collection of aspx files and their associated aspx.cs code-behind files.它只是 aspx 文件及其关联的 aspx.cs 代码隐藏文件的集合。

It's a programming mess, and I'm trying to rewrite it using class objects (I'm teaching myself this as I go).这是一个编程混乱,我正在尝试使用 class 对象重写它(我正在自学这个)。 My class objects work fine, but I have to put the classes in each code-behind page;我的 class 对象工作正常,但我必须将类放在每个代码隐藏页面中; this is clearly not right.这显然是不对的。

What is the most straightforward way to place my classes in a single myClasses.cs file and let my other aspx.cs code-behind files use them?将我的类放在单个 myClasses.cs 文件中并让我的其他 aspx.cs 代码隐藏文件使用它们的最直接方法是什么? I've looked at a hundred different posts on this, but I can't seem to get at this one very simple question.我已经查看了一百个不同的帖子,但我似乎无法解决这个非常简单的问题。 Many of them involve projects within a solution, but as I said, this app is just a collection of files without a project.其中许多涉及解决方案中的项目,但正如我所说,这个应用程序只是一个没有项目的文件集合。 I tried to "build" in the terminal (I'm using VSCode), but it says it can't find a project file.我试图在终端中“构建”(我正在使用 VSCode),但它说它找不到项目文件。

After looking at dozens of articles, this seems to be a generic answer.看了几十篇文章,这似乎是一个笼统的答案。 This is from here: https://www.codeproject.com/questions/242165/csharp-asp-net-sharing-methods-between-classes这是来自这里: https://www.codeproject.com/questions/242165/csharp-asp-net-sharing-methods-between-classes

The general form is:一般形式为:

My class:
public class BasePage : System.Web.UI.Page
public int YourMethod(string str)
        int someNum = 1;
        return someNum;

And then in the other code-behind pages, access it:然后在其他代码隐藏页面中,访问它:


Sometimes Intellisense seems to see the class while I code, but the web page says it can't see the code object.有时 Intellisense 似乎在我编码时看到 class,但 web 页面显示它看不到代码 object。

Any help isappreciated.任何帮助表示赞赏。

Well, a simple class you create - not in a code behind for a specific page?好吧,您创建的简单 class - 不在特定页面的代码中?

Just add the class to the project - create a folder called MyCode.只需将 class 添加到项目中 - 创建一个名为 MyCode 的文件夹。

The only issue is the class in question a class that you are required to create a new instance of to use in code, or is the class just some helper and utility routines - that can be a static class, since it just a code library you want to use everywhere. The only issue is the class in question a class that you are required to create a new instance of to use in code, or is the class just some helper and utility routines - that can be a static class, since it just a code library you想到处使用。

So, right click on the project explore, and choose add asp.net folder:因此,右键单击项目探索,然后选择添加 asp.net 文件夹:

eg this:例如这个:


Now, if app_code ALREADY exists, then you don't need to create that folder, and can simple add your class(s) to that folder - they will be global.现在,如果 app_code 已经存在,那么您不需要创建该文件夹,并且可以简单地将您的类添加到该文件夹 - 它们将是全局的。

So, then this - right click on app_code, and add a class:所以,然后这个 - 右键单击 app_code,并添加一个 class:

eg this:例如这个:


At that point you can crete a class - either a static one for your hodge podge of genreal routines and code we have.到那时,您可以创建一个 class - 一个 static 一个,用于您的流派例程和我们拥有的代码的大杂烩。 And also classes that might have a mix of propertes and code - those you of course will have to create a instance of.还有可能混合了属性和代码的类——你当然必须创建一个实例。

So, I have a system wide class - static - really amounts to a code module of general routines I need and use all the time.所以,我有一个系统范围的 class - static - 真的相当于我一直需要和使用的一般例程的代码模块。

So, for example, we OFTEN have to get a data table - no need to re-type that kind of code over and over.因此,例如,我们经常必须获得一个数据表——无需一遍又一遍地重新键入那种代码。

So, in my code "general" class, I have this (and much more).所以,在我的代码“通用”class 中,我有这个(以及更多)。

public static class General


    public  static DataTable MyRst(string strSQL)
        DataTable rstData = new DataTable();
        using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strCon()))
            using (SqlCommand cmdSQL = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn))
        return rstData;

So, now on a web page, I can say drop in a grid view like this:所以,现在在 web 页面上,我可以说像这样放入网格视图:

        <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server">


And now my page load code is this:现在我的页面加载代码是这样的:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsPostBack)

void LoadGrid()
    string strSQL =
        @"SELECT FirstName, LastName, HotelName, Description 
        FROM tblHotelsA
        ORDER BY HotelName";

    DataTable rstData = General.MyRst(strSQL);
    GridView1.DataSource = rstData;

And we get this:我们得到了这个:


So, since it is a static class - then I don't have to create a instance of that class before I use it - it just a bunch of handy code routines - and they are global to your code.因此,由于它是 static class - 那么我不必在使用它之前创建该 class 的实例 - 它只是一堆方便的代码例程的全局代码 - 它们是全局的。

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