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如何从后面的代码中将CSS样式添加到ASP.NET UserControl?

[英]How do I add CSS styles to an ASP.NET UserControl from the code-behind?

this.Style.Add ( /*...*/ )

... doesn't appear to work. ...似乎无效。

What do I need to do to add a style to it? 我需要做什么才能为其添加样式?

Think about the nature of UserControl - it's intended to contain other ASP.NET controls and that's why you cannot set CSS for whole control.. instead you just need to specify styles for each child control individually. 考虑一下UserControl的性质-它打算包含其他ASP.NET控件,这就是为什么您不能为整个控件设置CSS的原因。相反,您只需要分别为每个子控件指定样式即可。 You can also take a look at the ApplyStyleSheetSkin method. 您还可以查看ApplyStyleSheetSkin方法。


If your user control is inheriting from webcontrol simply use the system.web.ui.webcontrols.webcontrol.cssclass (msdn) . 如果您的用户控件是从webcontrol继承的,则只需使用system.web.ui.webcontrols.webcontrol.cssclass(msdn)即可 Example in the link. 链接中的示例。

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