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是否可以在 python 数据类中创建联合字段? (pydantic,数据类,属性)

[英]Is it possible to create union fields in python data classes? (pydantic, dataclass, attrs)

I want to build a data structure where there can be multiple fields, but only one of the selected few fields can be set, otherwise an error is raised when other than 1 is set.我想构建一个可以有多个字段的数据结构,但只能设置选定的几个字段中的一个,否则设置1以外的时候会引发错误。

Here is what I want to to behave like.这就是我想要表现的样子。

from typing import Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel

class BasicSpec(BaseModel):

class ComplexSpec(BaseModel):

class Spec(BaseModel):
    title: str
    basic_spec: Optional[BasicSpec] = None
    complex_spec: Optional[ComplexSpec] = None

    def __init__(self, **kwargs: "Spec"):
        union_fields = ["basic_spec", "complex_spec"]
        r = len([k for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in union_fields and v is not None])
        if r > 1:
            raise ValueError(f"Given more than one union fields: {union_fields}")
        elif r < 1:
            raise ValueError(f"Spec must have one of union fields: {union_fields}")


# Fail cases
# s = Spec(title="Test 1", basic_spec=BasicSpec(), complex_spec=ComplexSpec())
# s = Spec(title="Test 1")

# Happy path / Expected behavior
s = Spec(title="Test 1", basic_spec=BasicSpec())
# Expected results
# {"title": "Test 1", "basic_spec": {}}

Here the data class requires only one of the union fields ( basic_spec , complex_spec ) to be set.这里数据 class需要设置一个联合字段( basic_speccomplex_spec )。

I created this solution, but I'm wondering if there is a built-in way in the library or a feature in other libraries.我创建了这个解决方案,但我想知道库中是否有内置方式或其他库中的功能。

This simple thing would be to just have one spec that is a Union[BasicSpec, ComplexSpec] .这个简单的事情就是只有一个规范是Union[BasicSpec, ComplexSpec] I'm assuming for some reason that isn't feasible in your use case.我假设由于某种原因在您的用例中不可行。

Given that, the best pydantic native solution I can think of is a @root_validator :鉴于此,我能想到的最好的 pydantic 本机解决方案是@root_validator

from typing import Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError, root_validator

from typing import Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel

class BasicSpec(BaseModel):

class ComplexSpec(BaseModel):

class Spec(BaseModel):
    title: str
    basic_spec: Optional[BasicSpec] = None
    complex_spec: Optional[ComplexSpec] = None

    def check_exactly_one_spec(cls, values):
        assert ('basic_spec' in values) != ('complex_spec' in values), 'please supply exactly one spec'
        return values

# Fail cases
    s = Spec(title="Test 1", basic_spec=BasicSpec(), complex_spec=ComplexSpec())
except ValidationError as v:
    print("Yay! test 1 failed! ", v)
    s = Spec(title="Test 2")
except ValidationError as v:
    print("Yay! test 2 failed! ", v)
# Happy path / Expected behavior
s = Spec(title="Test 1", basic_spec=BasicSpec())
print("happy path is happy \N{grinning face}")
# Expected results
# {"title": "Test 1", "basic_spec": {}}

Output: Output:

Yay! test 1 failed!  1 validation error for Spec
  please supply exactly one spec (type=assertion_error)
Yay! test 2 failed!  1 validation error for Spec
  please supply exactly one spec (type=assertion_error)
{"title": "Test 1", "basic_spec": {}}
happy path is happy 😀

@mmdanziger Your answer was just what I was looking for, this is my full solution: @mmdanziger您的答案正是我想要的,这是我的完整解决方案:

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel, root_validator

class SpecLike(BaseModel):

class BasicSpec(SpecLike):

class ComplexSpec(SpecLike):

class Spec(BaseModel):
    title: str
    basic_spec: Optional[BasicSpec] = None
    complex_spec: Optional[ComplexSpec] = None

    def check_exactly_one_spec(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]):
        union_fields = ("basic_spec", "complex_spec")
        specs = len([k for k, v in data.items() if k in union_fields and v is not None])
        assert specs, "please supply exactly one spec"
        return data

# s = Spec(title="Test 1")
# s = Spec(title="Test 1")
s = Spec(title="Test 1", basic_spec=None, complex_spec=ComplexSpec())

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