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microsoft store.appxbundle 的永久直接下载链接?

[英]permanent direct download links to microsoft store .appxbundle?

I know https://store.rg-adguard.net/ can generate temporary links from ms store to download the.appxbundle/.appx files.我知道https://store.rg-adguard.net/可以从 ms store 生成临时链接以下载 .appxbundle/.appx 文件。 However, I'd like a more "permanent" solution for my script.但是,我想要一个更“永久”的脚本解决方案。

Still lowkey beginner at powershell scripting so bear with me.在 powershell 仍然是低调的初学者,请耐心等待。

Anyone got any ideas?有人有什么想法吗?

Code I'm using for downloading files in case you were wondering.如果您想知道,我用于下载文件的代码。

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$DownloadURI" -OutFile "$DownloadPath" -TimeoutSec "3600"

You won't find a permanent solution, as by the store's own implementation, everything is generated for a temporary session (of up to 10 minutes from the time the downloads are generated).您不会找到永久性解决方案,因为商店自己的实施会为临时 session 生成所有内容(从生成下载后最多 10 分钟)。 Not to mention that some packages actually have dependencies that need to be downloaded with it.更不用说某些软件包实际上具有需要与其一起下载的依赖项。

To be clear, https://store.rg-adguard.net/ wouldn't exist if there were endpoints for downloading the files directly without time limits.需要明确的是,如果有没有时间限制的直接下载文件的端点, https://store.rg-adguard.net/将不存在。 Additionally, the availability of ".appxbundle" is largely up to if the dev of the app uploaded said file, which is not always the case... which is why you have to expect either of 4 types (2 bundle types, .msixbundle or .appxbundle ; 2 single types, .msix or .appx ).此外, “.appxbundle”的可用性在很大程度上取决于应用程序的开发者是否上传了所述文件,但情况并非总是如此......这就是为什么你必须期待 4 种类型中的任何一种(2 种捆绑类型, .msixbundle.appxbundle ;2 种单一类型, .msix.appx )。 It should also be known that you're likely going to see less and less of .appx / .appxbundle , as .msix / .msixbundle are the standards that improves upon and replaces them (see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/blogs/sgern/but-what-about-app-v )还应该知道,您可能会看到越来越少的.appx / .appxbundle ,因为.msix / .msixbundle是改进和取代它们的标准(请参阅https://learn.microsoft.com/ en-us/archive/blogs/sgern/but-what-about-app-v )

However, to make things easier to script, I made the following at: https://github.com/TheAlienDrew/OS-Scripts/blob/master/Windows/Wrapper-Functions/Download-AppxPackage-Function.ps1但是,为了使编写脚本更容易,我在以下位置做了以下操作: https://github.com/TheAlienDrew/OS-Scripts/blob/master/Windows/Wrapper-Functions/Download-AppxPackage-Function.ps1

Which downloads the package needed, along with dependencies.其中下载了所需的 package 以及依赖项。

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