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[英]trying to limit the room max players but room options does not work in unity , photon

I've created a game room that can be joined and i want it to have 2 players max.我创建了一个可以加入的游戏室,我希望它最多有 2 名玩家。 I used the code bellow but other players still can join even if the room has already 2 players.我使用了下面的代码,但即使房间已经有 2 个玩家,其他玩家仍然可以加入。 What can i do to make it work?我该怎么做才能让它发挥作用?

public class CreateAndJoinRooms : MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks
    public TMP_InputField createInput;
    public TMP_InputField UserNameInput;
    public TMP_InputField joinInput;

    public void CreateRoom()
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserNameInput.text) == false && string.IsNullOrEmpty(createInput.text) == false)
            PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.NickName = UserNameInput.text;
            RoomOptions roomOptions = new RoomOptions();
            roomOptions.MaxPlayers = 2;

        else Debug.LogError("Username or room name is empty");

    public void JoinRoom()

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserNameInput.text) == false)
            PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.NickName = UserNameInput.text;
        else Debug.LogError("Username or room name is empty");


    public override void OnJoinedRoom()




You need to pass the roomOptions as a parameter to the CreateRoom function.您需要将 roomOptions 作为参数传递给 CreateRoom function。

PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.NickName = UserNameInput.text;

RoomOptions roomOptions = new RoomOptions();
roomOptions.MaxPlayers = 2;

PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom(createInput.text, roomOptions, null);

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