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如何将 Excel 文件作为 Excel 文件上传到 Blob 存储

[英]How to uploade an Excel file to a Blob Storage as an Excel File

i have a process that's beening triggered by Blobs.我有一个由 Blob 触发的进程。 I'm trying to upload a dataframe to Azure blob storage and i can achieve this via this code.我正在尝试将 dataframe 上传到 Azure blob 存储,我可以通过此代码实现此目的。

async def main(myblob: func.InputStream,  outputblob: func.Out[str]) -> None:
(Some Code)

but the problem with that approach is that it uploads the DataFrames as a File and not as CSV or Excel file.但这种方法的问题在于它将数据帧作为文件上传,而不是作为 CSV 或 Excel 文件上传。 I also tried this Code but this time nothing was uploaded.我也尝试了此代码,但这次没有上传任何内容。


Is there anyway that we can uploade as Excel files?无论如何,我们可以上传 Excel 文件吗?

the Solution is to upload it manually without using the Built-in function:解决方案是不使用内置 function 手动上传:


my code for uploading a CSV file to a container.我用于将 CSV 文件上传到容器的代码。 works for HTTP and Blob Trigger.适用于 HTTP 和 Blob 触发器。

def upload(_file,_connectionString,_containerName,_fileName):            
        blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(_connectionString)
        # Instantiate a new ContainerClient
        container_client = blob_service_client.get_container_client(_containerName)
        if not container_client.exists():
            # Create new Container in the service
            print("container does not exist. create it")
            properties = container_client.get_container_properties()
            # Instantiate a new BlobClient            
            blob_client = container_client.get_blob_client(_fileName)
            # upload data
            blob_client.upload_blob(_file, blob_type="BlockBlob")
            blob = BlobClient.from_connection_string(conn_str=_connectionString,
            if blob.exists():
                logging.info(f'{_fileName} exists')                    
                # Instantiate a new BlobClient            
                blob_client = container_client.get_blob_client(_fileName)
                # upload data
                blob_client.upload_blob(_file, blob_type="BlockBlob")

use it like This:像这样使用它:

upload(YourDataFrame.to_csv(index=False, encoding = "utf-8"),_connectionString,_containerName,_fileName)

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