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[英]Stripe two subscriptions one checkout?

The billing of my subscriptions require anual and monthly payments.我的订阅计费需要按年和按月付款。 As it isn't possible within stripe to create one subscription containing a monthly and a yearly billed price, I'd like to ask how it could be possible to realise this workflow anyways?由于在条带中不可能创建一个包含每月和每年计费价格的订阅,我想问一下如何才能实现这个工作流程?

Could it be possible to add 2 subscriptions (one monthly and the other yearly billed) to one checkout session?是否可以向一个结帐 session 添加 2 个订阅(一个按月计费,另一个按年计费)? Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

With Checkout, the line items must have the same billing interval so having a monthly and a yearly interval subscriptions on one checkout session is not a possibility.对于 Checkout, 行项目必须具有相同的计费间隔,因此不可能在一次结帐 session 上进行每月和每年的订阅间隔。 The alternative is to create two separate checkout sessions for products with different billing intervals.另一种方法是为具有不同计费间隔的产品创建两个单独的结帐会话。

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