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将订阅从一个 Stripe 帐户迁移到另一个

[英]Migrating subscriptions from one Stripe account to another

We want to migrate Stripe customers, products, and subscriptions from one account to another.我们希望将 Stripe 客户、产品和订阅从一个帐户迁移到另一个帐户。 The thing is that one of the accounts has recently become suspended and we can't take charges from the customers via this account.问题是其中一个账户最近被暂停了,我们不能通过这个账户向客户收取费用。 The second one is fine and fully active.第二个很好并且完全活跃。 We want to transfer the data and continue taking charges from clients with active subscriptions.我们希望传输数据并继续向具有有效订阅的客户收取费用。 Can we do it or is it against Stripe policy?我们可以这样做还是违反 Stripe 政策?

We haven't found any information about migrating subscribers from a suspended account.我们没有找到任何有关从暂停帐户迁移订阅者的信息。

You can't copy individual charges, invoices, plans and subscriptions, coupons, events, and logs from one stripe Account to another.您不能将个人费用、发票、计划和订阅、优惠券、活动和日志从一个 stripe 帐户复制到另一个帐户。 You can only copy the raw customers objects.您只能复制原始客户对象。 This process is a copy , not a migration, so all of your old data will remain in your old account. 此过程是复制,而不是迁移,因此您的所有旧数据都将保留在您的旧帐户中。 We recommend keeping the original “old” account around so you can access the legacy data there if you ever need to reference it.我们建议保留原始“旧”帐户,以便在需要时可以访问那里的遗留数据。 You can follow this Stripe Support Article about how you recreate subscriptions in your second account.您可以关注这篇Stripe 支持文章,了解如何在您的第二个帐户中重新创建订阅。

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