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GXT 2.X 到 4.0.2 的迁移问题

[英]GXT 2.X to 4.0.2 migration issues

We used to have GWT 2.4 & GXT 2.2.5 and we are migrating to GWT 2.8.1.我们曾经有 GWT 2.4 和 GXT 2.2.5,我们正在迁移到 GWT 2.8.1。

Now I am using GWT 2.8 with gxt 2.2.5 and Jdk 1.8.0_291, even when upgrading gxt-2.3.1a-gwt22 I still get this error when maven is building I got this error现在我正在使用 GWT 2.8 和 gxt 2.2.5 和 Jdk 1.8.0_291,即使在升级 gxt-2.3.1a-gwt22 时,当 maven 正在构建时我仍然收到此错误我收到此错误

jar:file:/war/WEB-INF/lib/gxt-2.3.1a-gwt22.jar!/com/extjs/gxt/ui/client/widget/form/ListField.java' > Line 322: The method append(boolean) is ambiguous for the type StringBuffer

After searching I thought it is imposible to resolve it, I don't have the right to edit the dependency.搜索后我认为无法解决它,我无权编辑依赖项。

So I decided to upgrade gxt to 4.0.2, am I right?所以我决定将 gxt 升级到 4.0.2,对吗?

but when I did all the app broke, most of Types don't exist anymore and the migration is not well documented on sencha website, they provide a unique page that doesn't help.但是当我做的所有应用程序都崩溃了,大多数类型不再存在并且迁移在 sencha 网站上没有很好的记录,它们提供了一个没有帮助的独特页面。

Do you have a tutorial or a guide that helps?你有帮助的教程或指南吗? or maybe a workaround?或者可能是一种解决方法?

Moving from GXT 2.x to 4.0.2 will create a lot of work.从 GXT 2.x 迁移到 4.0.2 将产生大量工作。 Take a look here:看看这里:

Sencha GXT 2.x to 4.x Migration Guide Sencha GXT 2.x 到 4.x 迁移指南

To get gxt-2.3.1a working with GWT 2.8.2 or even 2.9.0 (and maybe 2.10.0 - did not check this) you need to fix the bugs.要让 gxt-2.3.1a 与 GWT 2.8.2 甚至 2.9.0(也许是 2.10.0 - 没有检查)一起工作,您需要修复错误。 The easiest way would be to override the class and correct the things that are wrong.最简单的方法是覆盖 class 并纠正错误的事情。

I did that in the past and IIRC it was not much work.我过去是这样做的,而 IIRC 并没有太多工作。

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