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如何在事件日志中打印进程 ıd?

[英]How to print process ıd in event log?

Im trying to get process id from my Get-Eventlog.我试图从我的 Get-Eventlog 中获取进程 ID。 I can not parse the process id from the message.我无法从消息中解析进程 ID。 How ı can get it from there?我怎么能从那里得到它? I tried With Select string -Pattern but it did not worked.我尝试使用 Select string -Pattern 但没有奏效。 My powershell code:我的 powershell 代码:

$directory = E:\BpLnfgDsc2.txt
$message = Get-EventLog -log Security -InstanceId 4663 -Newest 1 | Where {$_.message -match "Object Name:\s*$directory"}  | foreach {$_.Message}

And here is my output:这是我的 output:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $message
An attempt was made to access an object.

        Security ID:            Some-id
        Account Name:           tester
        Account Domain:         DESKTOP
        Logon ID:               Some-Id

        Object Server:          Security
        Object Type:            File
        Object Name:            E:\BpLnfgDsc2.txt
        Handle ID:              Some-Id
        Resource Attributes:    S:AI

Process Information:
        Process ID:             0xd34
        Process Name:           C:\Windows\explorer.exe

Access Request Information:
        Accesses:               %%4423

        Access Mask:            0x80

My expected output:我预期的 output:

0xd34 0xd34

You can extend your regex matching pattern a bit more to also capture the process ID and output it with the automatically populated variable $matches .您可以进一步扩展您的正则表达式匹配模式,以使用自动填充的变量$matches捕获进程 ID 和 output 它。

I've chosen a capture group name for clarity, you could also just use number captured groups.为了清楚起见,我选择了一个捕获组名称,您也可以只使用数字捕获组。 I also added (?s) at the beginning of the pattern to treat the multiline message string as a single line我还在模式的开头添加了(?s)以将多行消息字符串视为单行

$message = Get-EventLog -log Security -InstanceId 4663 -Newest 1 |
    Where-Object {$_.message -match "(?s)Object Name:\s*$directory.+Process ID:\s+(?<ProcessID>\S+)"}  |
        ForEach-Object {$matches.ProcessID}

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