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Xamarin 应用程序说它缺少 CFBundleIdentifier,即使我在 info.plist 中有它

[英]Xamarin app says it's missing CFBundleIdentifier even though I have it in the info.plist

I am trying to run a Xamarin app and it gives out an error that the "CFBundleIdentifier" is missing.我正在尝试运行 Xamarin 应用程序,它给出了“CFBundleIdentifier”丢失的错误。 I looked at the "info.plist" and I can see that it's there.我查看了“info.plist”,我可以看到它就在那里。 This is the error I am getting:这是我得到的错误:

/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/iOS/Xamarin.Shared.targets(3,3): Error: A bundle identifier is required. Either add an 'ApplicationId' property in the project file, or add a 'CFBundleIdentifier' entry in the project's Info.plist file. (MyCoffeeApp.iOS)

This is a screenshot from the "info.plist": info.plist这是来自“info.plist”的截图: info.plist

Did someone encounter this?有人遇到过这个吗? How can I resolve this?我该如何解决这个问题?

I found the issue - I had 2 different locations with the same project and the "info.plist" file I had was in the wrong location.我发现了问题 - 我有 2 个不同的位置与同一个项目,并且我拥有的“info.plist”文件位于错误的位置。


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