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检查字符串是否包含在 TypeScript 中的只读字符串数组中

[英]Check if a string is included in a readonly string array in TypeScript

const ReadOnlyStrings = ['a', 'b', 'c'] as const;
const fn = (key: string)=>{

Errors in code:代码中的错误:
Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type '"a" | 'string' 类型的参数不能分配给 '"a" 类型的参数 | "b" | "b" | "c"'. “C”'。

How to advoids the error?如何避免错误?

ReadOnlyStrings isn't just a readonly array of strings, it's a readonly tuple that says, in its type, that it contains exactly "a" in the first element, "b" in the second, and "c" in the third. ReadOnlyStrings不仅仅是一个只读字符串数组,它是一个只读元组,它在其类型中表示它在第一个元素中正好包含"a" ,在第二个元素中包含"b" ,在第三个元素中包含"c" From a pure types perspective, it doesn't make sense to ask if it contains any random string;从纯类型的角度来看,询问它是否包含任何随机字符串是没有意义的; you know it contains exactly those strings in exactly that order.知道它完全按照该顺序包含那些字符串。 But pragmatically, we sometimes need to do things like that.但从务实的角度来看,我们有时需要做这样的事情。 :-) :-)

You can either make it just a readonly array of strings ( playground ):您可以将其设置为只读字符串数组( playground ):

const ReadOnlyStrings: readonly string[] = ["a", "b", "c"] as const;
//                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
const fn = (key: string) => {

...or tell TypeScript to treat it as one for just this operation by using a type assertion to widen its type ( playground ): ...或告诉 TypeScript 通过使用类型断言来扩大其类型( 操场)将其视为仅用于此操作的一个:

const ReadOnlyStrings = ["a", "b", "c"] as const;
const fn = (key: string) => {
    console.log((ReadOnlyStrings as readonly string[]).includes(key));
    //          ^               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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