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如何从 zip 文件的多个文件夹访问多个 CSV 文件

[英]How to access multiple CSV files that share the same name from multiple folders from a zip file

I have a zip file (stored locally) with multiple folders in it.我有一个 zip 文件(本地存储),其中包含多个文件夹。 In each folder are a few CSV files.每个文件夹中都有几个 CSV 文件。 I need to only access 1 particular CSV from each folder.我只需要从每个文件夹中访问 1 个特定的 CSV。 The CSV's I am trying to access from each folder all share the same name, but I cannot figure out how to access a particular file from each folder, then concatenate them into a pandas df.我试图从每个文件夹访问的 CSV 都共享相同的名称,但我无法弄清楚如何从每个文件夹访问特定文件,然后将它们连接到 pandas df 中。

I have tried the below (initially trying to read all CSV's):我尝试了以下方法(最初尝试读取所有 CSV):

path = r"C:\Users\...\Downloads\folder.zip"
all_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path , "/*.csv"))

li = []

for filename in all_files:
    df = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col=None)

frame = pd.concat(li, axis=0, ignore_index=True)

But I get: ValueError: No objects to concatenate.但我得到: ValueError:没有要连接的对象。 The CSV's are definitely present and not empty. CSV 肯定存在且不为空。

I am currently trying to do this in a sagemaker notebook, not sure if that is also causing me problems.我目前正在尝试在 sagemaker 笔记本中执行此操作,不确定这是否也会导致我出现问题。 Any help would be great.任何帮助都会很棒。

After some digging and advice from Umar.H and mad, I figured out a solution to my original question and to the code example I was originally working with.在 Umar.H 和 mad 的一些挖掘和建议之后,我找到了解决我最初的问题和我最初使用的代码示例的解决方案。

The code I was originally working with wasn't working with accessing the zip file directly, so I unzipped the file and tried it on just a regular folder.我最初使用的代码无法直接访问 zip 文件,因此我解压缩了该文件并仅在一个常规文件夹上进行了尝试。 Amending the empty list of df's li to not return an empty list was solved by changing "/*file.csv" in all_files to "*/*file.csv .通过将 all_files 中的"/*file.csv"更改为"*/*file.csv来解决将 df 的li的空列表修改为不返回空列表的问题。

To solve the main issue I had, which was to avoid unzipping the zip file and access all required CSV's I managed to get the following to work为了解决我遇到的主要问题,即避免解压缩 zip 文件并访问所有必需的 CSV,我设法让以下工作

PATH = "C:/Users/.../Downloads/folder.zip"

li = []
with zipfile.ZipFile(PATH, "r") as f:
    for name in f.namelist():
        if name.endswith("file.csv"):
            data = f.open(name)
            df = pd.read_csv(data, header=None, low_memory = False)

frame = pd.concat(li, axis=0, ignore_index=True)

Hope this can be helpful for anyone else with large zip files.希望这对其他拥有大型 zip 文件的人有所帮助。


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