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[英]How to read csv files from multiple zip folders located in the same directory using python?

  • I have multiple zip folders named zip_folder_1, zip_folder_2, ..., zip_folder_n.我有多个名为 zip_folder_1、zip_folder_2、...、zip_folder_n 的 zip 文件夹。
  • All these zip folders are located in the same directory.所有这些 zip 文件夹都位于同一目录中。 Each one of these zip folders contains a csv file named "selected_file.csv".这些 zip 文件夹中的每一个都包含一个名为“selected_file.csv”的 csv 文件。
  • I need to read each one of the "selected_file.csv" located at each one of the zip folders and concatenate them into a single file我需要读取位于每个 zip 文件夹中的每个“selected_file.csv”并将它们连接成一个文件

Could someone give me a hint on the required python code to solve this problem?有人可以给我一个关于解决这个问题所需的python代码的提示吗? I appreciate your help!我感谢您的帮助!

This should produce concatenated_data.csv in your working directory, and assumes that all files in my_data_dir are zip files with data in them.这应该会在您的工作目录中生成concatenated_data.csv ,并假设my_data_dir中的所有文件都是其中包含数据的 zip 文件。

import os, numpy as np, zipfile

def add_data_to_file(new_data,file_name):
    if os.path.isfile(file_name):
        mode = 'ab'
        mode = 'wb'
    with open(file_name,mode) as f:

my_data_dir = 'C:/my/zip/data/dir/'
data_files = os.listdir(my_data_dir)
for data_file in data_files:
    full_path = os.path.join(my_data_dir,data_file)
    with zipfile.ZipFile(full_path,'r',zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_file:
        with zip_file.open('selected_file.csv','r') as selected_file:
            data = np.loadtxt(selected_file,delimiter=",")

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