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[英]Google Cloud Datastore Query's

Trying to locate data based on its Name/ID field which is auto generated within Google cloud.尝试根据在 Google 云中自动生成的名称/ID 字段来定位数据。 I want to be able to update the given entity, however I am finding it hard to work with the data formatting.我希望能够更新给定的实体,但是我发现很难使用数据格式。 I have a list of data with a button which says 'Update" when clicking the update it gives the Unique Name/ID of that entity, however i cannot seem to find a method of also pulling the information associated with that Name/ID within google cloud.我有一个带有“更新”按钮的数据列表,当单击更新时它会给出该实体的唯一名称/ID,但是我似乎无法找到一种方法来在谷歌中提取与该名称/ID 关联的信息云。

Table with data in包含数据的表

Data inside google cloud谷歌云内的数据

Unique ID located but struggling to pull the other data based on that ID已找到唯一 ID,但难以根据该 ID 提取其他数据

def updateSong():

    songID = request.form['Update']
    # songQuery = datastore_client.query(kind="Song")
    # songs = list(songQuery.fetch())

    query = datastore_client.query(kind='Song', ancestor=songID)
    songData = query.fetch()


    id_token = request.cookies.get("token")
    error_message = None

    if id_token:

            user_data = google.oauth2.id_token.verify_firebase_token(
                id_token, firebase_request_adapter)

        except ValueError as exc:
            error_message = str(exc)
    return render_template('UpdateSong.html', user_data=user_data, error_message=error_message, songID=songID)

Is there not a method of querying the song ID to then be able to use it as such:是否没有一种方法可以查询歌曲 ID 以便能够像这样使用它:

song['Title'] = song title

Try this尝试这个

    query = datastore_client.query()
    query.key_filter(datastore_client.key('Song', songID))
    song = list(query.fetch())

Source: https://googleapis.dev/python/datastore/latest/_modules/google/cloud/datastore/query.html#Query.key_filter来源: https://googleapis.dev/python/datastore/latest/_modules/google/cloud/datastore/query.html#Query.key_filter

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