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如何比较 R 中的两个字符向量

[英]How to compare two character vectors in R

> vec
[1] "age"    "gpa"    "class"  "sports"

df <- data.frame(id = c(1232, 2311, 1988), name = c("gpa", "activity", "class"))
> df
    id     name
1 1232      gpa
2 2311 activity
3 1988    class

I have a vector of items in vec and I want to compare them to those in df$name .我在vec中有一个项目向量,我想将它们与df$name中的项目进行比较。 For those that exist in df , I want to create a new data.frame that contains the items vec and the corresponding id .对于df中存在的那些,我想创建一个新的 data.frame ,其中包含项目vec和相应的id In other words, I want the output to be:换句话说,我希望 output 是:

    id   name
1   NA    age
2 1232    gpa
3 1988  class
4   NA sports

Is there a quick way to do this in R without doing a for loop?有没有一种快速的方法可以在 R 中执行此操作而无需执行 for 循环?

You may use match您可以使用match

data.frame(id = df$id[match(vec, df$name)], vec)

#    id    vec
#1   NA    age
#2 1232    gpa
#3 1988  class
#4   NA sports

Or merge the dataframes using left join.或使用左连接merge数据框。

merge(data.frame(name = vec), df, all.x = TRUE, by = "name")

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