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从上传的二进制字段读取 xlsx,Odoo 15

[英]Read xlsx from uploaded binary field, Odoo 15

I need to get values from already uploaded xlsx field.我需要从已上传的 xlsx 字段中获取值。 How can I do it?我该怎么做?

This my binary field:这是我的二进制字段:

project_documents_mts_l0 = fields.Binary(string='MTS - Teklif')

When i get the Integer value from xlsx file, want to put this field:当我从 xlsx 文件中获取 Integer 值时,想要输入此字段:

field_source_budget_project = fields.Float(string='Proje', default=0, compute="_field_source_budget_project")

Extracted from some code I wrote some months back.从我几个月前写的一些代码中提取。 You need the xlrd library https://xlrd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ :您需要 xlrd 库https://xlrd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

   from xlrd import open_workbook
   import base64

   excel_file = base64.b64decode(self.ms_file)
   wb = open_workbook(file_contents=excel_file)
   sheet = wb.sheets()[0]
   for row_index in range(0, sheet.nrows):
       row = sheet.row(row_index)
       for cell in row:

That will look through every cell in every row in the workbook, printing it.这将查看工作簿中每一行中的每个单元格,并将其打印出来。 You need to just extract the files you want.您只需提取所需的文件。 My binary file field is self.ms_file in my example.在我的示例中,我的二进制文件字段是 self.ms_file。

The xlrd library is pretty easy to use. xlrd 库非常易于使用。

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