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Odoo 15 Label 领域太宽

[英]Odoo 15 Label Field Too Wide

In the Odoo 15, I realize that the width of the label for the field is too wide.在 Odoo 15 中,我意识到 label 的字段宽度太宽。 When I inspect the element in the browser, the CSS that causing this behaviour is this one:当我在浏览器中检查元素时,导致此行为的 CSS 是这样的:

@media (min-width: 992px)
.o_web_client:not(.o_chatter_position_sided) .o_action_manager .o_content .o_inner_group .o_td_label,
.o_web_client:not(.o_chatter_position_sided) .o_action_manager .modal-content .o_inner_group .o_td_label {
        min-width: 260px !important;

I already try to change some CSS that I think related to this behaviour from the source code, but still not working.我已经尝试从源代码中更改一些我认为与此行为有关的 CSS,但仍然无法正常工作。 How to change this default width?如何更改此默认宽度?


Are you using web responsive module?您使用的是 web 响应模块吗? If yes, look at如果是,请查看


file as well to make same changes as you did.文件以及进行与您所做的相同的更改。

Otherwise, changing min-width should work fine否则,更改min-width应该可以正常工作

Note: Do not edit at source.注意:请勿在源代码处进行编辑。 Make a new module, inherit those and change.创建一个新模块,继承它们并进行更改。

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