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Terraform:如何在创建之前检查 s3 接入点是否存在?

[英]Terraform: How to check if s3 access point exists before creating it?

I have a resource that creates multiple s3 access points depending on the input provided.我有一个资源可以根据提供的输入创建多个 s3 接入点。 The input is a map with s3 uri as the key and parsed bucket name as the value.输入是一个 map,其中 s3 uri 作为键,解析后的存储桶名称作为值。


"s3://my_bucket/model1.tar.gz" -> "my_bucket",
"s3://my_bucket_2/model2.tar.gz" -> "my_bucket_2",
"s3://my_bucket/model3.tar.gz" -> "my_bucket"

I then use for_each to iterate through each element in the map to create s3 access points.然后我使用for_each遍历 map 中的每个元素以创建 s3 接入点。 Unfortunately, there are 2 "my_bucket" values in the map, which means it will attempt to create s3 access points for that designated bucket twice, and thus will error out with message:不幸的是,map 中有 2 个“my_bucket”值,这意味着它将尝试为该指定存储桶创建 s3 访问点两次,因此会出错并显示以下消息:

AccessPointAlreadyOwnedByYou: Your previous request to create the named accesspoint succeeded and you already own it.

How can I check that the access point exists first before creating the resource?在创建资源之前如何检查访问点是否存在?

Code Example:代码示例:

resource "aws_s3_access_point" "s3_access_point" {
  for_each = var.create ? local.uri_bucket_map : {}

  bucket = each.value
  name   = format("%s-%s", each.value, "access-point")

output "s3_access_point_arn" {
  description = "The arn of the access point"
  value       = { for uri, ap in aws_s3_access_point.s3_access_point : uri => ap.arn }

Desired Output:所需的 Output:

"s3://my_bucket/model1.tar.gz" -> <access point uri>,
"s3://my_bucket_2/model2.tar.gz" -> <access point uri>,
"s3://my_bucket/model3.tar.gz" -> <access point uri>

I would invert your uri_bucket_map :我会反转你的uri_bucket_map

locals {
  uri_bucket_map_inverse = {
    for k,v in local.uri_bucket_map: v => k...


  "my_bucket" = [
  "my_bucket_2" = [

then just create access points as:然后只需将访问点创建为:

resource "aws_s3_access_point" "s3_access_point" {
  for_each = var.create ? local.uri_bucket_map_inverse : {}

  bucket = each.key
  name   = format("%s-%s", each.key, "access-point")

and the output would use both the APs and the inverted list map: output 将同时使用 AP 和倒排列表 map:

output "s3_access_point_arn" {
  description = "The arn of the access point"
  value       = merge([for bucket_name, ap in aws_s3_access_point.s3_access_point:
                          { for uri in local.uri_bucket_map_inverse[bucket_name]: 
                                uri => ap.arn

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