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[英]j3h081 dual interface card storage structure

Anyone has an idea how the storage or memory of j3h081 jcop card is structured?任何人都知道 j3h081 jcop 卡的存储或 memory 是如何构成的?

I want to know if it uses the blocks and sectors type of memory structure or some other structure?我想知道它是使用 memory 结构的块和扇区类型还是其他一些结构?

There seems to be a misunderstanding: The mentioned card is a javacard.似乎有一个误解:提到的卡是javacard。 A javacard provides an interface with commands and responses. javacard 提供了一个带有命令和响应的接口。 You have no clue, how the stuff is stored, and that is fine, since it has no relevance for you.你不知道这些东西是如何存储的,这很好,因为它与你无关。 (Without detailed information concerning a standardized application implemented by that javacard, you will probably be unable to do something useful with it.) (如果没有关于由该 javacard 实现的标准化应用程序的详细信息,您可能无法用它做一些有用的事情。)

The sector/block seems to refer to a MIFARE-type tag which is at the opposite end of complexity compared to a javacard;扇区/块似乎是指一个 MIFARE 类型的标签,与 javacard 相比,它的复杂性相反; they have little in common.他们没有什么共同点。

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