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[英]How do i handle or log exception for Method references?

I have the code snippet below.我有下面的代码片段。 But i was wondering how to try catch exception with method references.但我想知道如何尝试使用方法引用捕获异常。 I want to write try catch block for getUserByUserId method, probably log it and catch with NotFoundException.我想为 getUserByUserId 方法编写 try catch 块,可能会记录它并使用 NotFoundException 捕获。 How do i refactor this code in case of method reference userService::getUserByUserId?在方法引用 userService::getUserByUserId 的情况下如何重构此代码?

   List<String> listofIds= ldapUsers.stream()

Leave the stream like that add the logic you want in the getUserByUserId method.保留 stream 就像在getUserByUserId方法中添加您想要的逻辑。 If it doesn't find a user it logs the error and throws the exception.如果它没有找到用户,它会记录错误并抛出异常。

EDIT: since you can't modify the method, you can do the following:编辑:由于您无法修改该方法,您可以执行以下操作:

List<String> listofIds= ldapUsers.stream()
                .map(userId -> {
                    User user = userService.getUserByUserId(userId);
                    if(user == null) {
                        log.error("User not found");
                        throw new NotFoundException();                        
                    return user;

If it's unchecked exception, you don't need to do anything.如果是未经检查的异常,则无需执行任何操作。 But if its checked exception then you can do something like this:但是如果它的检查异常那么你可以做这样的事情:

.map((userService) -> {
    ...//call userService#getUserByUserId
   }catch(NotFoundException e){
    //log or do something else

}) ...

You could write a mapper function in the class you are doing the chaining of calls:您可以在 class 中编写映射器 function 您正在执行调用链接:

private Optional<User> getUser(PersonDTO personDTO) {
    try {
        return userService.getUserByUserId(personDTO.getUserId());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        log.error("Your message here", ex);
        throw new NotFoundException();

And use it like this:并像这样使用它:

List<String> listofIds = ldapUsers.stream()

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