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[英]How do I call method if exception thrown?

I have a method called readinFile and if the user enters a wrong file instead of exiting I wanted to call the method readinFile again inside the readinFile method I ask the user for new filename. 我有一个称为readinFile的方法,如果用户输入错误的文件而不是退出,我想在readinFile方法内再次调用方法readinFile,请用户提供新的文件名。 The problem I am running into is the first time it goes through it and gives the exception file not found than it goes through the catch(). 我遇到的问题是它第一次通过它并给出未找到的异常文件,而是它通过catch()。 I want it to call the method and not run the last inputStream. 我希望它调用该方法而不运行最后一个inputStream。

    inputStream = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(fileName));
catch(FileNotFoundException E)
    readinfile(table, numberOfColumns, header,
               original, sntypes,displaySize, 
               writeOut,inputStream,fileName );
    System.out.print("It got here after doing the method call");        

You should generally not use exceptions for branching. 通常,不应将异常用于分支。 Just check for the existance of the file using File.exists, like so: 只需使用File.exists检查文件是否存在,如下所示:

new File(fileName).exists()

You probably want to do something like this: 您可能想要执行以下操作:

String fileName;

do {
    System.out.println("Please enter filename");
    fileName = getFileNameFromInput();
    File file = new File(fileName);
} while (!file.exists());


EDIT: 编辑:

As Bruno Reis has pointed out, this will only check if the file exists when the user specified the file name. 正如Bruno Reis指出的那样,这只会在用户指定文件名时检查文件是否存在。 If the file was to be moved/deleted between specifying the file name and reading it then a FileNotFoundException would still be thrown. 如果要在指定文件名和读取文件之间移动/删除文件,则仍然会引发FileNotFoundException。 To reduce the risk of this you can lock the file as discussed in this question . 为了降低这种风险,您可以按照本问题中的讨论锁定文件。

bool invalidFilename = true;
string fileName;

    invalidFilename = !new File(fileName).exists();

inputStream = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(fileName));

You can check if the filename the user input does exists or not, and don't need to catch the exception. 您可以检查用户输入的文件名是否存在,并且不需要捕获异常。 (which is not a good design code, decrease the readability of the code).... (这不是一个好的设计代码,会降低代码的可读性)。

as inflagranti said, 如无名氏所说,

you can do this pseudocode 你可以做这个伪代码

if (!new File(filename).exists()){
    //read your other file from user


To get what you are after, without the chance of the file being deleted after you check for it existing but before you open it do something like: 要获得所需的信息,请先检查文件是否存在但在打开文件之前,不要将其删除:

boolean done = false;
String fileName = fileNameParameter;

        inputStream = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(fileName));
        done = true;
    catch(FileNotFoundException E)
        fileName = /* ask the user for the file name */

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