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将 window 移动到工作区并将该工作区 (shiftAndView) 集中在 XMonad WM 上

[英]Move window to workspace and focus that workspace (shiftAndView) on XMonad WM

I have XMonad for a while and I have been working on this for the last couple of days, and still no solution.我有 XMonad 有一段时间了,过去几天我一直在研究这个问题,但仍然没有解决方案。

Let me give you an example of what I'm trying to do:让我举一个我正在尝试做的例子:
VLC is open, move it to workspace 2 while it's still focused so I don't have to take a long way and first move VLC to workspace 2 and then switch to that workspace. VLC 已打开,将其移至工作区 2,而它仍然集中,所以我不必走很长的路,先将 VLC 移至工作区 2,然后切换到该工作区。

I have searched a lot of forums and websites and people provided good answers but there is a difference in my case:我搜索了很多论坛和网站,人们提供了很好的答案,但我的情况有所不同:

I'm using namedActions for my key bindings and those answers don't work for me.我将namedActions用于我的键绑定,而这些答案对我不起作用。

I'm not sure if it's gonna help or not but here is my config file:我不确定它是否会有所帮助,但这是我的配置文件:
https://pastebin.com/UuWt9qji https://pastebin.com/UuWt9qji

import XMonad
import Data.Char
import Data.Monoid
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
import XMonad.Layout.Spacing
import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
import XMonad.Layout.Fullscreen
import XMonad.Layout.Spiral
import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile
import XMonad.Layout.Renamed
import XMonad.Layout.BinarySpacePartition
import XMonad.Layout.ToggleLayouts
import XMonad.Layout.Reflect
import XMonad.Layout.SubLayouts
import XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation
import XMonad.Layout.Simplest
import XMonad.Util.Run
import XMonad.Util.SpawnOnce
import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad
import XMonad.Util.NamedActions
import XMonad.Util.EZConfig
import XMonad.ManageHook
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import qualified Data.Map        as M
import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS
import XMonad.Util.WorkspaceCompare

myModMask       = mod4Mask
myTerminal      = "alacritty"
myBrowser       = "qutebrowser"
myBorderWidth   = 2

myLauncher      = "rofi -show drun"
myStatusBar     = "xmobar .config/xmobar/xmobarrc"
myFont          = "xft:Hack Nerd Font:regular:size=12:antialias=true:hinting=true"

myNormalColor   = "#4e5173"
myFocusColor    = "#46d9ff"

myFocusFollowsMouse :: Bool
myFocusFollowsMouse = True

myClickJustFocuses :: Bool
myClickJustFocuses = False

myScratchPads :: [NamedScratchpad]
myScratchPads  = [ NS "terminal" spawnTerm findTerm manageTerm
                 , NS "htop"     spawnHtop findHtop manageHtop
    spawnTerm  = myTerminal ++ " -t scratchpad"
    findTerm   = title =?      "scratchpad"
    manageTerm = customFloating $ W.RationalRect l t w h
                h  = 0.9
                w  = 0.9
                t  = 0.95 -h
                l  = 0.95 -w
    spawnHtop  = myTerminal ++ " -t htop -e htop"
    findHtop   = title =?      "htop"
    manageHtop = customFloating $ W.RationalRect l t w h
                h  = 0.9
                w  = 0.9
                t  = 0.95 -h
                l  = 0.95 -w

wsDo   = "AV"
wsBo   = "BSA"
wsCo   = "COM"
wsMo   = "DOM"
wsGo   = "DMO"
wsFo   = "FLT"

-- myWorkspaces = map show [1..9]
myWorkspaces = [wsDo, wsBo, wsCo, wsGo, wsMo, wsFo]

showKeybindings :: [((KeyMask, KeySym), NamedAction)] -> NamedAction
showKeybindings x = addName "Show Keybindings" $ io $ do
  h <- spawnPipe $ "yad --text-info --fontname=\"SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono 12\" --fore=#46d9ff --back=#282c36 --center --geometry=1200x800 --title \"XMonad keybindings\""
  hPutStr h (unlines $ showKm x)
  hClose h
  return ()

wsKeys = map show $ [1..9] ++ [0]
notSP = (return $ ("SP" /=) . W.tag) :: X (WindowSpace -> Bool)
shiftAndView dir = findWorkspace getSortByIndex dir (WSIs notSP) 1
  >>= \t -> (windows . W.shift $ t) >> (windows . W.greedyView $ t)

myKeys confkey =let subKeys str ks = subtitle str : mkNamedKeymap confkey ks in

  subKeys "System"
  [ ("M-t"    , addName "Push window back into tiling"  $ withFocused $ windows . W.sink)
  , ("M-S-q"  , addName "Quit xmonad"                   $ io (exitWith ExitSuccess))
  , ("M-q"    , addName "Rebuild & restart XMonad"      $ spawn "xmonad --recompile; xmonad --restart")]

  ^++^ subKeys "Launchers"
  [ ("M-S-<Return>"  , addName "Launch Terminal"  $ spawn myTerminal)
  , ("M-p"           , addName "Launch Rofi"      $ spawn myLauncher)
  , ("M-b"           , addName "Launch Browser"   $ spawn myBrowser)]

  ^++^ subKeys "Layout Management"
  [ ("M-<Space>"    , addName "Switch to next layout"            $ sendMessage NextLayout)
  , ("M-S-<Space>"  , addName "Reset layouts"                    $ setLayout $ XMonad.layoutHook confkey)
  , ("M-f"          , addName "Toggle to Fullscreen"             $ sendMessage (Toggle "Full"))
  , ("M-S-b"        , addName "Toggle Struts"                    $ sendMessage ToggleStruts)

  ^++^ subKeys "Workspaces"
  [ ("M-1", addName "Switch to workspace 1"    $ (windows $ W.greedyView $ myWorkspaces !! 0))
  , ("M-2", addName "Switch to workspace 2"    $ (windows $ W.greedyView $ myWorkspaces !! 1))
  , ("M-3", addName "Switch to workspace 3"    $ (windows $ W.greedyView $ myWorkspaces !! 2))
  , ("M-4", addName "Switch to workspace 4"    $ (windows $ W.greedyView $ myWorkspaces !! 3))
  , ("M-5", addName "Switch to workspace 5"    $ (windows $ W.greedyView $ myWorkspaces !! 4))
  , ("M-6", addName "Switch to workspace 6"    $ (windows $ W.greedyView $ myWorkspaces !! 5))
  , ("M-S-1", addName "Send to workspace 1"    $ (windows $ W.shift $ myWorkspaces !! 0))
  , ("M-S-2", addName "Send to workspace 2"    $ (windows $ W.shift $ myWorkspaces !! 1))
  , ("M-S-3", addName "Send to workspace 3"    $ (windows $ W.shift $ myWorkspaces !! 2))
  , ("M-S-4", addName "Send to workspace 4"    $ (windows $ W.shift $ myWorkspaces !! 3))
  , ("M-S-5", addName "Send to workspace 5"    $ (windows $ W.shift $ myWorkspaces !! 4))
  , ("M-S-6", addName "Send to workspace 6"    $ (windows $ W.shift $ myWorkspaces !! 5))]
  ^++^ subKeys "Window Management"
  [ ("M-<Tab>"     , addName "Move focus to the next window"        $ windows W.focusDown)
  , ("M-j"         , addName "Move focus to the next window"        $ windows W.focusDown)
  , ("M-k"         , addName "Move focus to the previous window"    $ windows W.focusUp)
  , ("M-m"         , addName "Move focus to the master window"      $ windows W.focusMaster)
  , ("M-<Return>"  , addName "Swap focused to the master window"    $ windows W.swapMaster)
  , ("M-S-j"       , addName "Swap focused to the next window"      $ windows W.swapDown)
  , ("M-S-k"       , addName "Swap focused to the previous window"  $ windows W.swapUp)
  , ("M-t"         , addName "Push window back into tiling"         $ withFocused $ windows . W.sink)
  , ("M-,"         , addName "Increase windows in master area"      $ sendMessage (IncMasterN 1))
  , ("M-."         , addName "Decrease windows in master area"      $ sendMessage (IncMasterN (-1)))
  , ("M-c"         , addName "Close focused window"                 $ kill)]

  ^++^ subKeys "Scratchpads"
  [ ("M-s t"  , addName "Toggle scratchpad terminal"  $ namedScratchpadAction myScratchPads "terminal")
  , ("M-s h"  , addName "Toggle scratchpad htop"      $ namedScratchpadAction myScratchPads "htop")]

  ^++^ subKeys "Sublayouts"
  [ ("M-C-h",  addName "pullGroup Left"        $ sendMessage $ pullGroup L)
  , ("M-C-l",  addName "pullGroup Right"       $ sendMessage $ pullGroup R)
  , ("M-C-k",  addName "pullGroup Up"          $ sendMessage $ pullGroup U)
  , ("M-C-j",  addName "pullGroup Down"        $ sendMessage $ pullGroup D)
  , ("M-C-m",  addName "MergeAll"              $ withFocused (sendMessage . MergeAll))
  , ("M-C-u",  addName "UnMerge"               $ withFocused (sendMessage . UnMerge))
  , ("M-C-/", addName "UnMergeAll"             $  withFocused (sendMessage . UnMergeAll))
  , ("M-C-.", addName "Switch focus next tab"  $  onGroup W.focusUp')
  , ("M-C-,", addName "Switch focus prev tab"  $  onGroup W.focusDown')]

  ^++^ subKeys "Window resizing"
  [ ("M-h"  , addName "Shrink the master area"  $ sendMessage Shrink)
  , ("M-l"  , addName "Expand the master area"  $ sendMessage Expand)]

  ^++^ subKeys "Window spacing"
  [ ("C-M1-j",  addName "Decrease window spacing"  $ decWindowSpacing 5)
  , ("C-M1-k",  addName "Increase window spacing"  $ incWindowSpacing 5)]


myMouseBindings (XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modm}) = M.fromList $

    [ ((modm, button1), (\w -> focus w >> mouseMoveWindow w
                                       >> windows W.shiftMaster))

    , ((modm, button2), (\w -> focus w >> windows W.shiftMaster))

    , ((modm, button3), (\w -> focus w >> mouseResizeWindow w
                                       >> windows W.shiftMaster)) ]

myTabConfig = def { fontName            = myFont
                  , activeColor         = "#46d9ff"
                  , inactiveColor       = "#202328"
                  , activeBorderColor   = "#46d9ff"
                  , inactiveBorderColor = "#282c34"
                  , activeTextColor     = "#282c34"
                  , inactiveTextColor   = "#dfdfdf" }

tall         = renamed [Replace "tall"]
             $ windowNavigation
             $ addTabs shrinkText myTabConfig
             $ subLayout [] Simplest
             $ smartSpacing 5
             $ ResizableTall 1 (3/100) (1/2) []

binary       = renamed [Replace "binary"]
             $ reflectHoriz
             $ reflectVert
             $ smartSpacing 5
             $ emptyBSP

spirals      = renamed [Replace "spirals"]
             $ smartSpacing 5
             $ spiral (6/7)

myLayoutHook = avoidStruts
             $ smartBorders
             $ toggleLayouts Full
             $ myLayouts
   myLayouts = tall
           ||| binary
           ||| spirals

myManageHook = composeAll
    [ className =? "MPlayer"        --> doFloat
    , className =? "Gimp"           --> doFloat
    , className =? "confirm"        --> doFloat
    , className =? "file_progress"  --> doFloat
    , className =? "dialog"         --> doFloat
    , className =? "download"       --> doFloat
    , className =? "error"          --> doFloat
    , className =? "notification"   --> doFloat
    , className =? "Yad"            --> doCenterFloat
    , resource  =? "desktop_window" --> doIgnore
    , resource  =? "kdesktop"       --> doIgnore
    , isFullscreen --> doFullFloat
    ] <+> namedScratchpadManageHook myScratchPads

myEventHook = mempty

myLogHook = return ()

myStartupHook :: X ()
myStartupHook = do
    spawnOnce "xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr"
    spawnOnce "nitrogen --restore &"
    spawnOnce "picom -f"

main :: IO ()
main = do
    xmproc <- spawnPipe myStatusBar
        $ addDescrKeys' ((mod4Mask, xK_F1), showKeybindings) myKeys 
        $ docks defaults

defaults = def 
        terminal           = myTerminal,
        focusFollowsMouse  = myFocusFollowsMouse,
        clickJustFocuses   = myClickJustFocuses,
        borderWidth        = myBorderWidth,
        modMask            = myModMask,
        workspaces         = myWorkspaces,
        normalBorderColor  = myNormalColor,
        focusedBorderColor = myFocusColor,
        mouseBindings      = myMouseBindings,
        layoutHook         = myLayoutHook,
        manageHook         = myManageHook,
        handleEventHook    = myEventHook,
        logHook            = myLogHook,
        startupHook        = myStartupHook

An easy yet not very elegant solution would be to use the infix mappend operator <+> from the XMonad.ManageHook package to composes the two hooks:一个简单但不是很优雅的解决方案是使用 XMonad.ManageHook package 中的中缀 mappend 运算符<+>来组合两个钩子:

, ("M-C-3", addName "Send to and View on workspace 3" $
    (windows $ W.shift $ myWorkspaces !! 2) <+>
    (windows $ W.greedyView $ myWorkspaces !! 2)

Thanks to people from Reddit this problem solved by a few lines of code.感谢 Reddit 的人,这个问题通过几行代码就解决了。 (Also @pmf answer works all right) (@pmf 回答也可以)
Here is the solution:这是解决方案:

  1. First(best) solution:第一个(最佳)解决方案:
^++^ subKeys "Workspaces" (
[ ("M-" ++ i, addName ("Switch to workspace " ++ i) (windows $ W.greedyView wsp)) | (i, wsp) <- zip (map show [1..9]) myWorkspaces]
++ [ ("M-S-" ++ i, addName ("Send to workspace " ++ i) (windows $ W.shift wsp)) | (i, wsp) <- zip (map show [1..9]) myWorkspaces]

^++^ subKeys "Window Management" (
[ -- other keys here ]
++ [ ("M-C-" ++ i, addName ("Send and switch to workspace " ++ i) (windows $ W.greedyView wsp . W.shift wsp)) | (i, wsp) <- zip (map show [1..9]) myWorkspaces]
  1. Second solution:第二种解决方案:
shiftAndView :: Int -> X ()
shiftAndView n = windows $ W.greedyView (myWorkspaces !! (n - 1))
                         . W.shift      (myWorkspaces !! (n - 1))
  1. Third solution:第三种解决方案:
windows $ W.greedyView (myWorkspaces !! 2) . W.shift (myWorkspaces !! 2)

An explanation from RossOgilvie about how first solution works: RossOgilvie对第一个解决方案如何工作的解释:

We started with a list of entries我们从条目列表开始

[ ("M-1", addName "Switch to workspace 1"    $ (windows $ W.greedyView $ myWorkspaces !! 0))
, ("M-2", addName "Switch to workspace 2"    $ (windows $ W.greedyView $ myWorkspaces !! 1))
, etc ]

So we see that each entry is mostly the same, but the number changes and the workspace changes.所以我们看到每个条目大部分都是一样的,只是数量改变了,工作空间也改变了。 The idea is first make a list of the numbers and the workspaces, and then second make an entry for each of them.这个想法是首先列出数字和工作区,然后为它们中的每一个创建一个条目。 To make the first list we use为了制作我们使用的第一个列表

zip (map show [1..9]) myWorkspaces
 = [("1", wsDo), ("2", wsBo), etc ]

A list comprehension is a lot like a foreach loop in other languages列表推导很像其他语言中的 foreach 循环

[ g a | a <- alist ]
 = for each a in alist, apply g to a, and make a list from the results.

So the final code we wrote was basically a list comprehension of the form所以我们写的最终代码基本上是表单的列表理解

[ expression for the entry depending on i and wsp | (i,wsp) <- list of numbers and workspaces ]

I hope you see now why this makes the list of entries that we want.我希望你现在明白为什么这会成为我们想要的条目列表。

Thanks to RossOgilvie and slinchisl from Reddit:)感谢来自 Reddit 的RossOgilvieslinchisl :)

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