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AstroPy 中的“ZScaleInterval()”有什么作用?

[英]What does 'ZScaleInterval()' do in AstroPy?

I have looked at the documentation but I didn't find what I was looking for.我查看了文档,但没有找到我要查找的内容。 All the explanations I could find on the web states that this is used to improve contrasts in images.我可以在 web 上找到的所有解释都表明这是用来提高图像对比度的。
Look at this code for example(that is made to run on an astronomical FITS Image):例如看这个代码(它是在天文 FITS 图像上运行的):

from astropy.visualization import ZScaleInterval
z = ZScaleInterval()
z1,z2 = z.get_limits(image_data)
plt.imshow(image_data, vmin=z1, vmax=z2)

According to the documentation, get_limits returns the minimum and maximum value in the interval based on the values provided.根据文档, get_limits根据提供的值返回区间中的最小值和最大值。 I'm guessing it means the maximum and minimum intensities.我猜这意味着最大和最小强度。 What do vmax and vmin do? vmaxvmin有什么作用?

From my understanding vmin and vmax are the lower and upper limits of the gray values in your image.据我了解, vminvmax是图像中灰度值的下限和上限。

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