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第二个按钮不起作用 Raspberry pi pico

[英]Second button is not working Raspberry pi pico

I'm new in micropython and I'm following the book about Raspberry pi pico.我是 micropython 的新手,我正在关注关于 Raspberry pi pico 的书。 And I just wanted to know, how can I just make led ON if button1 or button2 are pressed.我只是想知道,如果按下按钮 1 或按钮 2,我怎样才能使 LED 亮起。 Here is my code, and only the first button works, I checked, both buttons are not broken, but the second only shows the value 0 in this code.这是我的代码,只有第一个按钮有效,我检查了,两个按钮都没有损坏,但第二个仅显示此代码中的值 0。

from machine import Pin
led = Pin(15, Pin.OUT)
button1 = Pin(14, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN)
button2 = Pin(16, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN)
while True:
     if button1.value() == 1 or button2.value() == 1:
     elif button1.value() == 0 or button2.value() == 1:


while True:
     if button1.value() or button2.value():

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