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如何使用 Pandas dataframe 从 4 月开始计算财政年度的年初至今(YTD)?

[英]How to calculate year to date (YTD) of a financial year starting from month April using Pandas dataframe?

I want to calculate YTD of a financial year using Pandas dataframe.我想使用 Pandas dataframe 计算一个财政年度的 YTD。 I used below code to find it.But I got YTD from month January.我使用下面的代码来找到它。但是我从一月份开始得到 YTD。

report_table['ytd_sales'] = report_table.groupby(['year','month', 'planttype', 'market', 'product'])['sales'].cumsum()

Can anyone help me to calculate YTD fom month April to March(financial year).谁能帮我计算从四月到三月(财政年度)的年初至今。

Create column of financial_year by numpy.where :通过numpy.where创建financial_year年度列:

report_table['financial_year'] = np.where(report_table['month'] > 3,  

Or crete datetime by both columns month and year and then convert to financial_year :monthyear列创建日期时间,然后转换为financial_year


report_table['ytd_sales'] = report_table.groupby(['financial_year', 'planttype', 'market', 'product'])['sales'].cumsum()

USE -利用 -

report_table['Fiscal Year'] = report_table['Date'].dt.to_period('Q-MAR').dt.qyear
report_table['ytd_sales'] = report_table.groupby(['Fiscal Year',month, 'planttype', 'market', 'product'])['sales'].cumsum()


import pandas as pd
dates = {'Date': ['1/1/2021', '1/31/2021', '2/1/2021', '2/28/2021', '3/1/2021', '3/31/2021', '4/1/2021', '4/30/2021', '5/1/2021', '5/31/2021', '6/1/2021']}
df = pd.DataFrame(dates)
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
df['Fiscal Year'] = df['Date'].dt.to_period('Q-MAR').dt.qyear

Ref link- https://datagy.io/pandas-fiscal-year/参考链接- https://datagy.io/pandas-fiscal-year/

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