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如何使用 Python 从 excel 表中的数据数量中找到曲线下的区域

[英]How to find a Area Under the Curve from number of datas from the excel sheet using Python

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How to find the area under the curve using Python.如何使用 Python 找到曲线下的面积。 The attached figure shows what I am looking for.附图显示了我正在寻找的内容。 I need to plot the graph, which has more than 6000 points, and then need to measure the area in the RED and GREEN regions.我需要 plot 的图形,它有 6000 多个点,然后需要测量红色和绿色区域的面积。 Can anyone help with this matter?任何人都可以帮助解决这个问题吗?

As Jeremy said, you can use the trapezoid rule.正如杰里米所说,您可以使用梯形规则。 Numpy has a function for that. Numpy 有一个 function 。 Here is a little example from an other question: Calculating the area under a curve given a set of coordinates, without knowing the function这是另一个问题的一个小例子: Calculating the area under a curve given a set of coordinates, without known the function

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